

Any document you submit to the instructor must be a word-processed document. It is not possible for the instructor to efficiently edit comments into Excel documents, scanned documents or documents submitted on paper or by fax.  Tables and graphs from Excel and other programs can be copied and pasted into word-processed documents.

The only exception is tests, which are completed on paper and in your handwriting. Please summarize your understanding of this policy.


All documents submitted must be a word processed document. Graphs created in Excel should be copied and pasted into the word document. The only time this differs is on a test.


It is usually much more efficient and effective for the instructor to work with you through forms and your Access Page than face-to-face. The instructor enjoys working face-to-face with students, but it is simply not possible to accommodate the desire of a class full of asynchronous distance students for individual meetings, though situations do arise in which meetings are the most efficient way to overcome difficulties. For this reason the instructor's office hours are mostly conducted by responding to information received through forms, and face-to-face meetings are usually restricted to matters that have already been addressed to the fullest possible extent via electronic communication (e.g., access page and forms) and have proven impossible to resolve efficiently by this means.

This policy makes it possible for the instructor to respond fully to your submitted work and to do so in a timely manner.

Please explain this briefly in your own words.


Meeting face to face is only necessary if all problems have been addressed but not resolved by forms and electronic communication.


When you take a test you must submit the Test Taken Form (at the General Information page, just below the Submit Work Form) to alert the instructor to be on the lookout for your test. If a test has gone astray (rare but tests can be misrouted) we can more easily trace it if we know promptly that it's missing.



Zipped files are also cumbersome to deal with and the instructor does not accept them. Be sure files are sent in their original format. Note that some email programs (most notable AOL's) zip files without telling the user. You should either override this automatic process, if possible, or send files one at a time to ensure that they don't get Zipped. Please explain this policy briefly in your own words.


Zipped files are not excepted. Send files one at a time to make sure they don't get zipped into on file.


Save all communications from the instructor; you're responsible for doing so. You are also responsible for keeping track of what you have sent the instructor, who can better serve students if time isn't wasted rereading something you re-sent because you weren't sure you sent in the first place. Don't delete your records of sent or received items and if you're not sure whether you've sent something check your record of received items. Once your work appears at your Access site (explained when you get your access code), however, you may assume that it is safely stored in at least two places.

State this in your own words.


Save all communication. That way there won't be redundency.

Your responses have been reviewed and everything looks good.

Please let me know if you have any questions related to this orientation assignment.