question form


Phy 201

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questions after qa_002

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2. If the velocity of an object changes from 12 cm/second at clock time 6.9 seconds to 20 cm/s at clock time 15.3 seconds, then what is the rate of change of its velocity with respect to clock time?

3. What is your best estimate of the average velocity of the object in #2, for the given time interval?

text related questions:

2. What is the uncertainty in the following reported measurements, and what is the percent uncertainty in each?

5.8 centimeters

2350 kilometers

350. seconds



3. What is the uncertainty in the area of a rectangle, based on reported length 23.7 cm and width 18.34 cm?

4. (Principles of Physics students are invited to solve this problem, but are not required to do so): What is the approximate uncertainty in the area of a circle, based on a reported radius of 2.8 * 10^4 cm?

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The first two questions I think I understand but the answers I am getting seem a little off, could you give me a brief explanation of how to solve these problems.


You don't say what your answers are, and you haven't included the details of your thinking on these questions. Please resubmit those questions and include your best thinking, which will allow me to focus on what you don't understand.


the text related questions have me very confused. I understand how to find percent uncertainty, but do not understand how you can find the uncertainty of a number just by looking at it. is it to the closest decimal point or unit measured? please explain these questions, especially the area of the circle question. thank you


If you measure something and find that its length is 52.6 centimeters, we make one of two assumptions.

We could assume that the last significant figure 6 represents a reading that is closer to 6 than to 5 or to 7, so that it rounds off to 6. In that case the 52.6 cm represents the measurement of a length that lies between 52.55 cm and 52.65 cm. The uncertainty would be +-.05 cm.

Or we could assume that the reading 6 could be off by 1 unit of the measuring instrument, meaning that it could really be a 5 or a 7. In that case the 52.6 cm would represent a measurement of a length that lies between 52.5 cm and 52.7 cm. The uncertainty in the 52.6 cm measurement would in this case be +- .1 cm.

Regarding the area of the circle, determine what the maximum and minimum radius could be. Then calculate the area based on each, as well as the area based on the given measurement. Base your answer on these results.


question form


Phy 201

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class notes # 01 experiment

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Design and conduct an experiment using a timer and a ball on a constant-incline ramp to

Prove that when a ball rolls down the ramp, its average velocity on the 'second', or lower, half of the ramp is greater than on the initial half.

Determine as closely as possible the ratio of the average velocity on the lower half to that on the initial half.

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this is from class notes # 01 about velocity and acceleration in physics 201, I was wondering if we need to submit our work through a submit work form or simply conduct the experiment? thank you

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You are only required to submit documents that have specifically been assigned on the assignments page. Assignments given within class notes are not required unless they have been specifically assigned in that manner.

You do have the option of completing those assignments, but you'll probably find that the time demands of the other assignments usually make it difficult to do so.
