timer program


Your 'timer program' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

** Your General Comment **

** Describe what you see on your first 10 clicks **

I see the timer numbers for each time I clicked the mouse. This is similar to what I did in Physics with the timer program

** Your TIMER data from 20 fast clicks **

1 130.6719 130.6719

2 130.8281 .15625

3 131.0156 .1875

4 131.2344 .21875

5 131.4063 .171875

6 131.625 .21875

7 131.8125 .1875

8 131.9844 .171875

9 132.1875 .203125

10 132.3906 .203125

11 132.5781 .1875

12 132.7813 .203125

13 132.9844 .203125

14 133.1875 .203125

15 133.3906 .203125

16 133.5938 .203125

17 133.8125 .21875

18 134.0156 .203125

19 134.2188 .203125

20 134.4219 .203125

21 134.625 .203125

** Your average time interval for 20 time intervals **


I looked at the numbers and I saw the number in line one of which I saw 10 of these numbers so I thought that would be a consistent number because of the inconsistency of clicking the mouse

** Your frequency distribution for the 20 time intervals (interval, number of times it was observed) **

.15625, 1

.171875, 2

.1875, 3

.203125, 11

.21875, 3

** Your general comment to this point **

About the same thoughts from 1st semester

** Why did you observe only certain time intervals? **

It has something to do with the computer timing and counting sequence.

** What did you see when you looked at the differences between time successive time intervals? **

The last column indicates the difference from the time on the same line and the next line. Unfortunately this doesn't show on my timer program and doesn't show on a newly downloaded program

** Your time intervals for 7 complete breaths: **

1 1060.234

2 1062.875

3 1066

4 1069.391

5 1072.625

6 1076.078

7 1079.141

8 1082.609

9 1085.859

10 1089.203

11 1092.016

** Your general comment to this point: **

It looks like I'm still alive!!!

You reported clock times, not time intervals. The intervals appear to average about 3 seconds.

That is, of course, a sure sign of life.

** Why did you rarely, if ever, observe that same time interval twice? **

When you are breathing you are timing yourself at specific time intervals which could be changing as you operate the program and clicking the mouse with you finger.

** Do you think this program is accurate to .1 or .01 ... **

I kind of looks as if the timer program can do the accuracy to .1 seconds but I think it can do a little bit better if timing events other than breathing.

** Copy of a few lines of your spreadsheet from the TIMER program. **

I did exactly what was requested and the files wasn't saved to Excel. I know it is saved somewhere in a Physics 202 folder named breathing and exhalation in my documents as I did last semester. So I guess I need some different instructions on how to get this to the excel spreadsheet.

** **

Probably about 30 minutes because of having used the timer program before. Previously I had a hard time getting the timer program to work then I downloaded the compound 32 or something like that and the program worked.

** **

Also the timer program I'm running doesn't display the third column does that mean that I have the wrong program. I just redownloaded the program but nothing has changed

Your report of the fast clicks did include the third column. I can't think of a reason the third column wouldn't be there.

You don't actually use the TIMER a whole lot in this course, so I don't think this will be a problem.

Note that you aren't required to repeat experiments you did first semester. It never hurts to refresh, but you've certainly paid your dues.