#$&* Using the definitions of the sine and cosine, find the components of the cart's weight parallel and perpendicular to the incline. answer/question/discussion: x= 49cos (240)= -24.5 y= 49sin (240)= -42.4 #$&* How much elastic or compressive force must the incline exert to support the cart, and what is the direction of this force? answer/question/discussion: Since the y-axis force is the one pushing down on the incline it will be 42.4 N #$&* If no other force is exerted parallel to the incline, what will be the cart's acceleration? answer/question/discussion: -24.5N/5= -4.9 m/s^2 #$&* Copy and paste your work into the box below and submit as indicated:  Your instructor is trying to gauge the typical time spent by students on these questions. Please answer the following question as accurately as you can, understanding that your answer will be used only for the stated purpose and has no bearing on your grades: Approximately how much time did you spend on this question? 20 minutes"