course Mth 174 ?aw|??H???i??????€assignment #007
09:46:26 query problem 7.6.6 approx using n=10 is 2.346; exact is 4.0. What is n = 30 approximation if original approx used LEFT, TRAP, SIMP?
RESPONSE --> Error = Actual Value - Approximate Value so, 4.0 - 2.346 = 1.654 n=10, .1654 TRAP = .1654 / 2 = .0827 LEFT= -.0827 / 3 n=30, Error in Left rule = -.02756 SIMP(n) = (2 * MID(n) + TRAP(n) / 3
09:51:45 If the approximation used LEFT then what is your estimate of the n = 30 approximation and how did you get it?
RESPONSE --> Error = Actual Value - Approximate Value so, 4.0 - 2.346 = 1.654 n=10, .1654 TRAP = .1654 / 2 = .0827 LEFT= -.0827 / 3 n=30, Error in Left rule = -.02756 I divided .1654 by 2 and then divided that value by 3 because n is increasing by 3.
09:52:26 If the approximation used TRAP then what is your estimate of the n = 30 approximation and how did you get it?
RESPONSE --> Error = Actual Value - Approximate Value so, 4.0 - 2.346 = 1.654 n=10, .1654 TRAP = .1654 / 2 = .0827 I divided the approximate value by 2
09:52:53 If the approximation used SIMP then what is your estimate of the n = 30 approximation and how did you get it?
RESPONSE --> SIMP(n) = (2 * MID(n) + TRAP(n) / 3 I do not understand how to get the MID value
09:53:17 a < b, m = (a+b)/2. If f quadratic then int(f(x),x,a,b) = h/3 ( f(a) / 2 + 2 f(m) + f(b) / 2).
09:53:20 How did you show that if f(x) = 1, the equation holds?
09:53:22 How did you show that if f(x) = x, the equation holds?
09:53:25 How did you show that if f(x) = x^2, the equation holds?
09:53:28 How did you use your preceding results to show that if f(x) = A x^2 + B x + c, the equation must therefore hold?
09:54:24 query problem 7.7.19 integrate 1 / (u^2-16) from 0 to 4 if convergent
RESPONSE --> This does not converge.
09:55:03 does your integral converge, and why or why not?
RESPONSE --> It does not converge because it is not a fininte number.
09:55:07 If convergent what is your result?
09:55:52 Why is there a question as to whether the integral does in fact converge?
RESPONSE --> Beacause if the intigral is a finite number it converges, otherwise, it diverges.
10:19:15 Give the steps in your solution.
RESPONSE --> integral of 1 / (u^2 - 16) = lim as b approches 4- is 1/(u^2 - 16)dx = lim as b approches 4- is (-1)(u^2 - 16)^ -1 = lim as b approches 4- is (- 1/( (b^2 - 16) - 1/4) This limit does not exist.
10:19:29 If you didn't give it, give the expression whose limit showed whether the integral was convergent or divergent.
RESPONSE --> integral of 1 / (u^2 - 16) = lim as b approches 4- is 1/(u^2 - 16)dx = lim as b approches 4- is (-1)(u^2 - 16)^ -1 = lim as b approches 4- is (- 1/( (b^2 - 16) - 1/4) This limit does not exist.
10:28:57 query problem 7.7.44 (was #39) rate of infection r = 1000 t e^(-.5t)
RESPONSE --> b) people are getting sick the fastest, the less amount of days since the start of the epidemic. c) 1000 people get sick all together?
10:34:52 describe your graph, including asymptotes, concavity, increasing and decreasing behavior, zeros and intercepts
RESPONSE --> The graph is exponentially increasing from (1,1000)
10:36:32 when our people getting sick fastest and how did you obtain this result?
RESPONSE --> b) people are getting sick the fastest, the less amount of days since the start of the epidemic. When you multiply each day by -0.5 it decreases at an increasing rate
10:36:44 How many people get sick and how did you obtain this result?
RESPONSE --> Im not sure how to calculate this answer.
10:40:58 What improper integral arose in your solution and, if you have not already explained it, explain in detail how you evaluated the integral.
RESPONSE --> The improper integral is e^ -.5t The integral of 3^ -.5tdx = -1/5e ^ -5t = -1/5t ^ -5b + 1/5
10:41:46 Query Add comments on any surprises or insights you experienced as a result of this assignment.
RESPONSE --> I understand the concepts described in 7.6 but am not sure if I am caluclating the errors correctly.