

course mth173

4/27 7:49

021. `query 21


Question: `q**** Query Problem 4.8.3 was 4.8.1 (3d edition 3.8.4). x graph v shape from (0,2) |slope|=1, y graph sawtooth period 2, |y|<=2, approx sine.

Describe the motion of the particle described by the two graphs.


Your solution:

the graph starts at point (2,0) and starts heading in a negative direction

at t=.5 x= 1.5 y=1

at t=1 x=1 y=0

at t=1.5 x=.5 y= -1

at t= 2 x=0, y=0

at t=2.5 x=.5, y=1

at t=3 x=1, y=0

at t=3.5 x=2.5, y=-1

at t=4, x =3, y=0

looking at the graph for the y values, at every interval, the slope seems to be changing at a absolute value of 1.

the graph makes a shape, that looks like two diamonds.

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

`a** The question was about the motion of the particle.

The graph of f(t) has at every point a slope of magnitude 1, except at the points where the slope changes.

The graph of g(t) has at every point a slope of magnitude 1, except at the points where the slope changes.

At points where the slope changes, it changes 'instantly', so at those points the slope is not defined. More formally at these points the quantity (f(t + `dt) - f(t) ) / `dt, whose limit defines the integral, has a different limit when `dt approaches zero through positive values than when it approaches 0 through negative values, so the limit is not defined.

At all times t, except where the slope changes sign, | f ' (t) | = 1. Sometimes f ' (x) is positive, sometimes negative.

At all times t, except where the slope changes sign, | g ' (t) | = 4. Sometimes g ' (x) is positive, sometimes negative.

Thus at all times t, except where the slope changes sign, the speed of the particle is v = sqrt( 1^2 + 4^2 ) = sqrt(17), about 4.1.

At clock time t = 0 the x coordinate is f(0) = 2 and the y coordinate is g(0) = 0.

At clock time t = 1/2 the x coordinate is f(1/2) = 1.5 and the y coordinate is g(1/2) = 1.

So between t = 0 and t = 1/2, the particle moves from (2, 0) to (1.5, 1).

At clock time t = 1 the x coordinate is f(1) = 1 and the y coordinate is g( 1 ) = 0 .

So between t = 1/2 and t = 1, the particle moves from (1.5, 1) to (1, 0).

At clock time t = 1.5 the x coordinate is f(1.5) = .5 and the y coordinate is g(1.5) = -1.

So between t = 1 and t = 1.5, the particle moves from (1,0) to (.5,-1).

At clock time t = 2 the x coordinate is f(2) = 0 and the y coordinate is g(2) = 0.

So between t = 1.5 and t = 2, the particle moves from (.5, -1) to (0, 0).

At clock time t = 2.5 the x coordinate is f(2.5) = .5 and the y coordinate is g(2.5) = 1.

So between t = 2 and t = 2.5, the particle moves from (0, 0) to (.5, 1).

During the next few half-second intervals the particle moves to (1, 0), (1.5, -1) and (2, 0)

The first graph is of position vs. time, i.e., x vs. t for a particle moving on the x axis. The slope of the x position vs. time graph is the x component of the velocity of the particle.

The first graph has slope -1 for negative values of t. So up to t = 0 the particle is moving to the left at velocity 1. Then when the particle reaches x = 0, which occurs at t = 0 the slope becomes +1, indicating that the velocity of the particle instantaneously changes from -1 to +1 and the particle moves back off to the right. During the 4-second interval the x position therefore changes from x = 2 to x = 0 then back to x = 2.

On the second graph the velocity of the particle changes abruptly--instantaneously, in fact--when the graph reaches a sharp point, which it does twice between t = 0 and t = 2, and twice more between t = 2 and t = 4. At these points velocity goes from positive to negative or from negative to positive. So between t = 0 and t = 2, the y component of the position goes from 0 to 1 and back to 0, then to -1 and back up to 0. This occurs as x goes from 2 to 0, so the position of the particle zigzags from (2, 0) to (3/2, 1) to (1, 0) to (1/2, -1) to (0, 0). Between t = 2 and t = 4 the x coordinate moves back to the right, and the particle's path zigzags from (0, 0) to (1/2, 1) to (1, 0) to (3/2, -1) and back to the starting point at (2, 0).

Since the x velocity is always 4 times the magnitude of the y velocity (except at the 'turning points' where velocity is not defined), the paths are straight lines. Another way of saying this is that the instantaneous speed, at all points where f ' and g ' are defined, is always v = sqrt( f ' ^2+ g ' ^2 ) = sqrt( 4^2 + 1^2) = sqrt(17) = 4.1, approx., as also specified earlier in this solution.

The two paths form a shape on the graph that looks like two diamond shapes. The speed of the particle as it goes from point to point is always 4. **


Self-critique (if necessary):

I am not sure how you determined the speed.


Self-critique Rating:1

Query problem 4.8.21 (3d edition 3.8.16). Ellipse centered (0,0) thru (+-5, 0) and (0, +-7).Give your parameterization of the curve.


Your solution:

I have no problems dealing with an ellipse llike that, I have a problem 41 from 4.8, that has seemingly 3 circles, that is the closest.

confidence rating #$&*:0



Given Solution:

The standard parameterization of a unit circle (i.e., a circle of radius 1) is x = cos(t), y = sin(t), 0 <= t < 2 pi.

An ellipse is essentially a circle elongated in two directions. To elongate the circle in such a way that its major and minor axes are the x and y axes we can simply multiply the x and y coordinates by the appropriate factors. An ellipse through the given points can therefore be parameterized as

x = 5 cos (t), y = 7 sin (t), 0 <= t < 2 pi.

To confirm the parameterization, at t = 0, pi/2, pi, 3 pi/2 and 2 pi we have the respective points (x, y):

(5 cos(0), 7 sin(0) ) = (5, 0)

(5 cos(pi/2), 7 sin(pi/2) ) = (0, 7)

(5 cos(pi), 7 sin(pi) ) = (-5, 0)

(5 cos(3 pi/2), 7 sin(3 pi/2) ) = (0, -7)

(5 cos(pi), 7 sin(pi) ) = (5, 0). **


Self-critique (if necessary):

This makes sense to me


Self-critique Rating:OK


Question: `qQuery 4.8.23 (was 3.8.18). x = t^3 - t, y = t^2, t = 2.What is the equation of the tangent line at t = 2 and how did you obtain it?


Your solution:

for a tangent line, I need an x,y, and slope

my x and y is split up though...and slope is equal to dx and dy....so i could find the derivatives of both equations and figure it out that way?



x' at t=2 is 11

y' at t=2 is 4

4/11 at (6, 4)

y-4= 4/11(x-6)

y-4=4/11x - 24/11

y=4/5x -20/11

confidence rating #$&*:1



Given Solution:

`a** Derivatives are dx/dt = 3t^2 - 1, which at t = 2 is dx/dt = 11, and

dy/dt = 2t, which at t=2 is 4.

We have x = 6 + 11 t, which solved for t gives us t = (x - 6) / 11, and y = 4 + 4 t.

Substituting t = (x-6)/11 into y = 4 + 4 t we get

y = 4 + 4(x-6)/11 = 4/ll x + 20/11.

Note that at t = 2 you get x = 6 so y = 4/11 * 6 + 20/11 = 44/11 = 4.


The slope at t = 2 is dy/dx = dy/dt / (dx/dt) = 4 / 11.

The equation of the line thru (6, 4) with slope 4/11 is

y - 4 = 4/11 ( x - 6), which simplifies to

y = 4/11 x + 20/11. **


Self-critique (if necessary):OK


Self-critique Rating:OK


Question: `qQuery 4.8.12 (3d edition 3.8.22). x = cos(t^2), y = sin(t^2).What is the speed of the particle?


Your solution:

well i think ill need to know velocity, I remember one chapter speaking of velocity being the derivative, and acceleration being second derivative ????I dont know why

velocity is distance/t so changex/change t ????is that actual velocity, or technically average velocity, what would 'dx/t be?


f(x)= cos(x)



g'(t)= 2t

f'(g(t) )= -sin(t^2)

x'=-sin(t^2) * 2t


f(x)= sin(x)

g(t)= t^2



f'(g(t) )= cos(t^2)


change would be adding those two together, which is velocity

-2tsin(t^2) + 2tcos(t^2)

this is not speed though

speed is just distance/time we did 'ddistance/'dtime...how can i convert that

confidence rating #$&*: 1



Given Solution:


The velocities in the x and y directions are dx / dt and dy / dt.

Since x = cos(t^2) we have

dx/dt = -2(t) sin (t)^2.

Since y = sin(t^2) we have dy/dt = 2(t) cos (t)^2.

Speed is the magnitude of the resultant velocity speed = | v | = sqrt(vx^2 + vy^2) so we have

speed = {[-2(t) sin (t)^2]^2 + [2(t) cos (t)^2]^2}^1/2.

This simplifies to

{4t^2 sin^2(t^2) + 4 t^2 cos^2(t^2) } ^(1/2) or

(4t^2)^(1/2) { sin^2(t^2) + cos^2(t^2) }^(1/2) or

2 | t | { sin^2(t^2) + cos^2(t^2) }^(1/2). Since sin^2(theta) + cos^2(theta) = 1 for any theta, this is so for theta = t^2 and the expression simplifies to

2 | t |.

The speed at clock time t is 2 | t |. **


Self-critique (if necessary):

I do not understand the part at

Speed is the magnitude of the resultant velocity speed = | v | = sqrt(vx^2 + vy^2) so we have


Self-critique Rating:1


If the x position is given as a function of time by x(t), then the x velocity is x ' (t) or dx/dt.

A similar statement applies to the y position as a function of t.

So the x and y velocities are

vx = dx/dt


vy = dy/dt.

If something is moving with a velocity that has x component vx and y component vy, its speed it the resultant

speed = sqrt( vx^2 + vy^2).

This is the way vector quantities combine, using the Pythagorean Theorem.

For instance if you traveled according to these velocities for time interval `dt, you would travel vx * `dt units in the x direction and vy * `dt units in the y direction. So the distance you move would be the hypotenuse of a triangle with 'run' vx `dt and 'rise vy `dt. That hypotenuse would be

distance = hypotenuse = sqrt( (vx `dt)^2 + (vy `dt)^2 ) = sqrt( vx^2 + vy^2 ) * `dt.

To get the speed we would divide this distance by the time interval `dt, getting

speed = distance / time interval = sqrt( vx^2 + vy^2) `dt / `dt = sqrt( vx^2 + vy^2).



Question: `qDoes the particle ever come to a stop? If so when? If not why not?


Your solution:

I dont have a good grasp of these concepts, but I know where there is both sine and cosine, you can never reach 0. which a velocity of 0 would mean it stopped. However in reality, something had to have started, and before it did, it wasn't moving, so at the very beginning it would be considered ""stopped""

confidence rating #$&*:2



Given Solution:

`a** The particle isn't moving when v = 0.

v = 2 | t | { sin^2(t^2) + cos^2(t^2) }^(1/2) is zero when

t = 0 or when

sin^2(t^2) + cos^2(t^2) = 0.

However sin^2(t^2) + cos^2(t^2) = 1 for all values of t, so this does not occur.

t = 0 gives x = cos(0) = 1 and y = sin(0) = 0, so it isn't moving at (1, 0).

The particle is at rest at t = 0, and only at t = 0.


Self-critique (if necessary):OK


Self-critique Rating:OK


Question: `qQuery problem 3.9.33 was 3.9.18 (3d edition 3.9.8) (was 4.8.20) square the local linearization of e^x at x=0 to obtain the approximate local linearization of e^(2x)


Your solution:


derivative e^x, slope 1


y= x + 1


(x+1) (x+1)

x^2 + x + x + 1

x^2 + 2x + 1

confidence rating #$&*:3



Given Solution:

`a** The local linearization is the tangent line.

The line tangent to y = e^x at x = 0 is the line with slope y ' = e^x evaluated at x = 0, or slope 1. The line passes through (0, e^0) = (0, 1).

The local linearization, or the tangent line, is therefore (y-1) = 1 ( x - 0) or y = x + 1.

The line tangent to y = e^(2x) is y = 2x + 1.

Thus near x = 0, since (e^x)^2 = e^(2x), we might expect to have (x + 1)^2 = 2x + 1.

This is not exactly so, because (x + 1)^2 = x^2 + 2x + 1, not just 2x+1.

However, near x = 0 we see that x^2 becomes insignificant compared to x (e.g., .001^ 2 = .000001), so for sufficiently small x we see that x^2 + 2x + 1 is as close as we wish to 2x + 1. **


I’m not sure I understood the question to be answered.


You were asked to square the local linearization

The local linearization of e^x is 1 + x, which when squared is 1 + 2 x + x^2.

The local linearization of e^(x^2) is 1 + 2 x.

The squared local linearization of e^x is 1 + 2 x + x^2, the local linearization of e^(x^2) is 1 + 2 x.

Near x = 0 the quantity x^2 becomes insignificant, so near x = 0 the two expressions are nearly identical.


Self-critique (if necessary):

who does the quantity x^2 become insignificant, but not 2x?


Self-critique Rating:OK


Suppose x = .001.

Then x^2 = .000001, while 2x = .002.

Clearly x^2 is insignificant compared to 2 x.

When you multiply by a small number you get a smaller number. So if x is small, x^2 will be that much smaller, while 2x is bigger than x.

You can make x^2 as small as you want compared to 2 x, by simply making x small enough.



Question: `qWhat do you get when you multiply the local linearization of e^x by itself, and in what sense is it consistent with the local linearization of e^(2x)? Which of the two expressions for e^(2x) is more accurate and why?


Your solution:

I am confused by the question. I dont understand where you are getting which of the two expressions. you only stated one (the local linearization of e^x by itself). the other you just stated in previous question, but is derived from the same thing.

However, the 2x^2+2x+1 is more accurate, when you get farther from 0, because of concavity.

confidence rating #$&*:2



Given Solution:

`a** The local linearization of e^(2x) is y = 2x + 1.

The square of the local linearization 1 + x of e^x is y = (x + 1)^2 = x^2 + 2x + 1 .

The two functions differ by the x^2 term. Near x = 0 the two graphs are very close, since if x is near 0 the value of x^2 will be very small. As we move away from x = 0 the x^2 term becomes more significant, giving the graph of the latter a slightly upward concavity, which for awhile nicely matches the upward concavity of y = e^(2x). The linear function cannot do this, so the square of the local linearization of e^x more closely fits the e^(2x) curve than does the local linearization of e^(2x). **


I see what I’ve been missing. The question is which tang line follows the actual curve more accurate and I see why this

whould be the y =e^x local linearization squared. Would this not have something to do with adding the factor exponential

growth to the local linearization, of a exponential Fn?


Good speculation.

The exponential function, by definition, grows exponentially.

However we cannot calculate the exact value of an exponential function at a given numerical value of x, except at x = 0.

The point here is to find approximate values of the exponential function, first by a local linearization, then by adding a quadratic term to help us follow the curvature of the exponential graph.

Later (2d semester) we see that we can keep adding high-power terms (e.g., multiples of x^3, then of x^4, etc.) we can approximate the effects of higher and higher derivatives to obtain functions that approximate the exponential better and better. Our approximation functions will be polynomials, which can be evaluated accurately, and we will obtain expressions for just how accurate we can expect the approximations obtained from these polynomials to be.


Self-critique (if necessary):OK


Self-critique Rating:OK


Question: `qQuery problem 3.9.21 (3d edition 3.9.12) T = 2 `pi `sqrt(L / g). How did you show that `dT = T / (2 L) * `dL?


Your solution:

that looks like the differiential.

we need to know dT/dL

g is a constant

2PI/sqrt(g) * sqrt(L)

differintial means i need to know the derivative (or average rate of change? i still get that mixed up some)

everything is constant besides sqrt(L).

(1/2)L^ (-1/2)


1/(2sqrt(L) )

2PI/sqrt(g) * 1/(2sqrt(L)

2PI/(sqrt(g) * 2 * sqrt(L) )

PI/ (sqrt(g) * sqrt(L) )

I am having a little trouble past this part.

`dT = T / (2 L) * `dL

dT/dL= PI/ (sqrt(g) * sqrt(L) )

dT= PI/ (sqrt(g) * sqrt(L) ) * dL

T = 2 `pi `sqrt(L / g)

the difference in the equations are

T / (2 L) and

PI/ (sqrt(g) * sqrt(L) )

so if they are equal then that would be my proof

(2 `pi `sqrt(L / g)) /(2L)

PI * sqrt(L)/ sqrt(g) * 1/L

ok obviously I did something wrong, but it looks like i could change it into the same equation.

confidence rating #$&*:1



Given Solution:


In this problem you are referred to the equation T = 2 pi sqrt( g / L). and told that g remains constant while L varies. You are asked to find an expression for the resulting change in T.

Within this context the given equation gives T as a function of L.

The rate of change of T with respect to L is the derivative dT/dL. Roughly speaking, when you multiply dT / dL by a small change in L, you are multiplying the rate of change of T by the change in L, which gives you the approximate change in T. Another way of saying this is dT/dL * `dL = `dT, where `dT is the linear approximation of the change in T.

The main thing we need to calculate is dT / dL:

To start with, `sqrt(L/g) can be written as `sqrt(L) / `sqrt(g). It's a good idea to make this separation because L is variable, g is not.

So dT / dL = 2 `pi / `sqrt(g) * [ d(`sqrt(L) ) / dL ].

[ d(`sqrt(L) ) / dL ] is the derivative of `sqrt(L), or L^(1/2), with respect to L. So

[ d(`sqrt(L) ) / dL ] = 1 / 2 L^(-1/2) = 1 / (2 `sqrt(L)).

Thus dT / dL = 2 `pi / [ `sqrt(g) * 2 `sqrt(L) ] = `pi / [ `sqrt(g) `sqrt(L) ] .

This is the same as T / (2 L), since T / (2 L) = 2 `pi `sqrt(L / g) / (2 L) = `pi / (`sqrt(g) `sqrt(L) ).

Now since dT / dL = T / (2 L) we see that the differential is

`dT = dT/dL * `dL or

`dT = T / (2 L) * `dL. **


I am having problems with problems that pertain to proving something equals something else were in the notes can I go back and review this concept?


Applications occur throughout this text, and there is no one approach to solving application problems. The best results come from a lot of practice, and from feedback you get on your solutions.

This problem is an application of the differential. The only way to learn how to apply the differential is by first understanding what the differential means, in general. Then, to be a bit repetitive, I'll say again that understanding comes with extensive practice.

I suggest that you give #22 another shot after looking over the solution below.


Self-critique (if necessary):

This is the same as T / (2 L), since T / (2 L) = 2 `pi `sqrt(L / g) / (2 L) = `pi / (`sqrt(g) `sqrt(L) ).

i messed up on this step.


Self-critique Rating:OK


T = 2 pi sqrt(L / g).

So T / (2 L) , which is part of the quantity that was requested, is

2 pi sqrt(L / g) / (2 L).

sqrt(L / g) = sqrt(L) / sqrt(g), so

2 pi sqrt(L) / sqrt(g) / (2 L) =

2 pi / 2 * sqrt(L) / L * 1 / sqrt(g) =

pi / (sqrt(L) sqrt(g)).

The last step uses the fact that sqrt(L) / L = 1 / sqrt(L).



Question: `qIf we wish to estimate period to within 2%, within what % must we know L?


Your solution:

the wording of this question doesnt make sense to me. I guess your wanting the differiential


`dT = T / (2 L) * 'dL

'dT= T /(2L) * .02L

'dT=.02 * L * T/2 * L

'dT= .02T/2


well that tells me what exactly, a time period within 1%? I was a little lost so checked your work, and see you have the same thing, but that doenst look like it properly solves the answer does it?

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

`a** If `dL = .02 L then `dT = T / (2 L) * .02 L = .02 T / 2 = .01 T.

This tells us that to estimate T to within 1% we need to know L to within 2%. **


Self-critique (if necessary):

didnt it ask for what L needs to be within for T at 2%


Self-critique Rating:OK


You are correct.

`dT = T / (2 L) * `dL

can be rearranged to the form

`dT / T = 1/2 `dL / L.

If we want `dT / T to be less than .02, then 1/2 `dL / L must be less than .02, so `dL / L must be less than .04.



Question: `qQuery problem 4.7.4 (3d edition 4.8.9) graphs similar to -x^3 and x^3 at a.

What is the sign of lim{x->a} [ f(x)/ g(x) ]?

How do you know that the limit exists and how do you know that the limit has the sign you say it does?


Your solution:

one is negative, the other isnt. and they are the same, so normally 5/5, is 1

this will be something like -5/5 which will be -1

i know a limit exists, because 0/0.

confidence rating #$&*:2



Given Solution:

`a** If one graph is the negative of the other, as appears to be the case, then for any x we would have f(x) / g(x) = -1. So the limit would have to be -1.

It doesn't matter that at x = 0 we have 0 / 0, because what happens AT the limiting point doesn't matter, only what happens NEAR the limiting point, where 'nearness' is unlimited by always finite (i.e., never 0). **


The limiting pt isn’t as important as what is adjacent to the limiting pt. It can’t be 0.


Good. To put it even more strongly:

The actual point isn't important at all; only the neighborhood of the point (the region adjacent to the point, as you put it nicely) is relevant to the limit.


Self-critique (if necessary):

I was able to get this one because of its simplicity, how would I solve a more complex problem like this?


Self-critique Rating:OK


There are too many ways a question of this sort could be more complicated, and there is no way to answer your question in general.

However we will be running into situations involving l'Hopital's rule, and there are specific things we can say about it, if the need arises.



Question: `qQuery 4.7.8 (3d edition 3.10.8) lim{x -> 0} [ x / (sin x)^(1/3) ].What is the given limit and how did you obtain it?


Your solution:

well...it says the limit as x approches 0, it gets closer to 0

confidence rating #$&*: 3



Given Solution:


As x -> 0 both numerator f(x) = x and the denominator g(x) = sin(x)^(1/3) both approach 0 as a limit. So we use l'Hopital's Rule

f ' (x) = 1 and g ' (x) = 1/3 cos(x) * sin(x)^(-2/3), so f ' (x) / g ' (x) = 1 / (1/3 cos(x) * sin(x)^(-2/3) ) = 3 sin(x)^(2/3) / cos(x).

Since as x -> 0 we have sin(x) -> 0 the limiting value of f ' (x) / g ' (x) is 0.

It follows from l'Hopital's Rule that the limiting value of f(x) / g(x) is also zero.


I am having trouble with defining the limiting value of the problem. I want to say it is less than zero but the answer says it is zero. Can you explain were I might have this wrong?????

The derivative of sin(x)^(1/3) is cos(x) * 1/3 sin(x^(-2/3) ).

The chain rule applies, with u(z) = z^(1/3) and h(x) = sin(x) (we're using u and h for the chain rule instead of f and g, to avoid confusion with the f and g of l'hopital's rule)

h ' (x) = cos(x), u ' (z) = 1/3 z^(-2/3) so h ' (x) * u ' (h(x)) = cos(x) 1/3 sin(x^(-2/3))*


Self-critique (if necessary):

it would appear the way I obtained my answer was a fluke, I did not understand l'hopital's rule. To me finding what the value approaches as x -> 0 would give me the answer.


Self-critique Rating:OK


Both the numerator x and the denominator sin(x) ^ (1/3) approach zero.

0 / 0 is undefined. So the result of the limiting process could be anything, depending on whether the numerator or denominator approaches zero more quickly (and how much more quickly).

As an example, if very close to zero the numerator function has a slope of 10 and the denominator function has a slope of 2, then the numerator stays close to 5 times as great as the denominator, so the limiting value of numerator / denominator would be 10 / 2 = 5.

The slope of either numerator or denominator is given by its derivative.

So the limiting value of the numerator / denominator will be equal to the slope of the numerator function, divided by the slope of the denominator function.

All this depends on both numerator and denominator approaching zero as limits.



Question: `qWhat are the local linearizations of x and sin(x)^(1/3) and how do they allow you to answer the preceding question?


Your solution:

I don't see a way I could find the local linearization for that.

derivative of the sin(x)^(1/3) = 1/3 * cos(x) / (sin(x))^(2/3).

as x=0, the derivative cannot be found.

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

`a** The local linearization of the numerator is just y = x.

The denominator doesn't have a local linearization at 0; rather it approaches infinite slope.

The derivative of the denominator sin(x)^(1/3) is cos(x) * 1/3 sin(x^(-2/3) ) = 1/3 * cos(x) / (sin(x))^(2/3).

As x approaches zero sin(x) approaches zero, and so does the 2/3 power of sin(x). So the denominator of the derivative approaches zero, so the derivative cannot be evaluated at x = 0.

Thus sin(x)^(1/3) does not have a local linearization at x = 0. Its derivative approaches infinity as x approaches 0.

So as x -> 0 the ratio of the denominator function to the numerator function increases without bound, making the values of numerator / denominator approach zero. **


Self-critique (if necessary):

what numerator? this question has me a little lost.


Self-critique Rating:


This continues the situation of the preceding question, where the numerator function was x and the denominator function was sin(x) ^ (1/3).

For this function, the derivative of the denominator function approaches zero, while the derivative of the numerator function does not.

Thus the limit is infinite.



Question: `qQuery Add comments on any surprises or insights you experienced as a result of this assignment.

I am confused on l'Hopital`s rule:

How do you know when it can or cannot be used to evaluate a fn?

I understand that f(a)=g(a)=0 and g'(x) cannot equal zero, but what are the other limitations?


Your solution:

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

`a** Those are the only limitations. Check that these conditions hold, then you are free to look at the limiting ratio f '(a) / g ' (a) of the derivatives.

For example, on #18 the conditions hold for (a) (both limits are zero) but not for (b) (numerator isn't 0) and not for (c) (denominator doesn't have a limit). ** "

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Question: `qQuery Add comments on any surprises or insights you experienced as a result of this assignment.

I am confused on l'Hopital`s rule:

How do you know when it can or cannot be used to evaluate a fn?

I understand that f(a)=g(a)=0 and g'(x) cannot equal zero, but what are the other limitations?


Your solution:

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Given Solution:

`a** Those are the only limitations. Check that these conditions hold, then you are free to look at the limiting ratio f '(a) / g ' (a) of the derivatives.

For example, on #18 the conditions hold for (a) (both limits are zero) but not for (b) (numerator isn't 0) and not for (c) (denominator doesn't have a limit). ** "

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&#Good responses. See my notes and let me know if you have questions. &#