question form

Mth 163

Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

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I cannot access the link to the simulated data for this assignment. I have tried the link below that is included in the instructions (Randomized Problems) and I hava also tried the link found on the Assignments page that is named Simulations. There are two data sets in with the instructions for these excercises. Can I just use one of these sets? When I try to access the links I get the message Website not found

Completion of the Initial Flow Model


When submitting your work electronically, show the details of your work and give a good verbal description of your graphs.

One very important goal of the course is to learn to communicate mathematical thinking and logical reasoning. If you can effectively communicate mathematics, you will be able to effectively communicate a wide range of important ideas, which is extremely valuable in your further education and in your career.

When writing out solutions, self-document. That is, write your solution so it can be read without reference by the reader to the problem statement. Use specific and descriptive statements like the following:

Using the depth vs. clock time data points (0, 13), (3, 12), (10,10), (25,8), (35, 6), (52, 3), (81, 1), we obtain a model as follows . . .

Using the depth vs. clock time data points (3, 12), (25, 8) and (52,3) we obtain the system of equations . . .

From the parameters a = -1.3, b = 12 and c = 15 we obtain the function . . .

Comparing the predicted depths at clock times t = 0, 3, 10, 25, 35, 52, 81 with the observed depths we see that . . .

1. If you have not already done so, obtain your own set of flow depth vs. time data as instructed in the Flow Experiment (either perform the experiment, as recommended, or click on Randomized Problems and select Precalculus then Simulated Data for Flow Experiment , which can be accessed at

Complete the modeling process for your own flow depth vs. time data.

Use your model to predict depth when clock time is 46 seconds, and the clock time when the water depth first reaches 14 centimeters.

Comment on whether the model fits the data well or not.

2. Follow the complete modeling procedure for the two data sets below, using a quadratic model for each. Note that your results might not be as good as with the flow model. It is even possible that at least one of these data sets cannot be fit by a quadratic model.

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You can go ahead and use this data.