course MTH 173
Task: `q009. On the homepage for your course, click on Link to Blackboard, and sign in using the same username and password you use to access the registration system. When the Blackboard screen comes up you should find at least one 'course' entitled 'Supervised Study ... ', where ... stands for the term (Fall, Spring or Summer) and year (e.g., 2012), as well as your General College Physics course. Click on the Supervised Study ... site and give a brief description of what you see. You need not read all the information that appears, just take a quick look and give a line or two of description. (It is possible that you will be doing the Orientation prior to the beginning of the term, or shortly after registration; if so this Blackboard 'course' might not yet be available. You might also be doing this before your Blackboard enrollment is run. If either is the case, be sure to make a note to yourself to do check this page out on the first actual day of classes. You won't need it before then.).
Note that enrollment in Blackboard and enrollment in your course at VHCC are two separate things. Blackboard is 'unofficial' and always needs to be regarded as such.
Please respond with a statement detailing your understanding of the Blackboard Supervised Study 'course', and the unofficial nature of Blackboard.
**** Your response (insert your response beginning in the next line; the next line is blank and doesn't include the #$... prompt):
The Supervised Study site is for checking grades and for receiving information from the instructor. Black board is unofficial and should be treated as such.
#$&* (your response should have gone on the line above this one)
Task: `q010. We might use various features of this Blackboard page, but the course is not delivered using Blackboard. Blackboard has a number of very good features, but it is of necessity a 'closed' system and not sufficiently flexible or efficient to be the primary vehicle. The one feature we are sure to be using is the Grade Center, where you can check your grades on tests and my comments.
At the Supervised Study ... site note the 'Check Grades' link. Your grades will be posted at the Supervised Study... site, not at the General College Physics site.
As explained in the opening message on both the Supervised Study ... and General College Physics sites, Blackboard is not likely to be used extensively in this course, except for posting grades.
Describe what you see at the Grade Center.
**** Your response (insert your response beginning in the next line; the next line is blank and doesn't include the #$... prompt):
The grade Center is just that; It is somewhere to check grades. One thing I noticed is that all gradable items are left simply as items, and not as tests or quizzes or such. That is interesting.
#$&* (your response should have gone on the line above this one)
Task: `q011. You need not look at any more of the Blackboard page, but you are welcome to do so if you choose, and you may ask any questions you wish in your response. If you have no questions, or do not feel the need to further explore this page, just respond with 'ok' or something of that nature.
**** Your response (insert your response beginning in the next line; the next line is blank and doesn't include the #$... prompt):
Will this Blackboard page be your primary information hub? In other words, If we want to know what is going on, should we look here first?
#$&* (your response should have gone on the line above this one)
Now highlight and copy your document, paste your copy into the box below, and click on Submit Form. It is suggested that you save a copy of your document as a backup.
Good work. Let me know if you have questions.