Phy 121
Your 'ball down ramp' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
** Your general comment **
Mr. Smith,
I accidently hit the send button and sent a plank form. Please disregard the earlier one.
** Will a steeper ramp give greater or lesser time? **
I believe that the steepest ramp would allow the ball to roll faster.
** As slopes increases will time intervals increase, decrease or show no pattern? **
I believe that it would be deveasing since I would think it was moving at a faster pace.
** Your report of 5 trials each way for 1 domino **
13742.0 13743.9
13802.1 13803.6
13849.5 13851.5
13888.5 13890.3
13945.2 13946.9
13413.2 1.8
13489.2 1.5
13526.9 1.5
13565.3 13567.0
13620.1 13621.9
** Your report of 5 trials each way for 2 dominoes **
Well, first of all there is really no differemce in which side you roll the ball or not enough to change the outcome.Two dominios give higher numbers.
15574.1 15575.1
15653.7 15655.1
15685.0 15686.3
15713.8 15715.0
157475.5 15748.8
15816.7 15818.1
15858.6 15860.0
15893.1 15894.3
15932.2 15933.4
15962.0 15963.2
** Your report of 5 trials each way for 3 dominoes **
16732.1 16780.5
16780.5 16781.3
16828.1 16829.1
16871.6 16872.4
16896.7 16897.45
16958.4 16959.4
16998.1 17.0
17024.9 17026.0
17050.0 17051.0
17076.6 17077.5
You have reported the clock times at the beginning and the end of each interval, that you have not reported the time intervals. The third column of the TIMER indicates the time intervals, and it is these intervals you should be reporting.
You could of course subtract the initial clock times you report here for each interval from the final clock times to report the duration of each interval.
** Do your results support or fail to support your hypothesis about increasing or decreasing times? **
No, because it takes longer for the ball to start going on a higher ramp therefore it takes longer to get to the bottom of the ramp.
It appears that the time intervals are shorter for the third set of observations, averaging less than a second, then for the second or first, where they average well a second. Can you clarify?
** How do you think ave velocity is related to slope? **
On 1 domino it didn't take as long for the ball to get to the bottom of the ramp. Every time you add a dominio it takes longer to get to the bottom therefore the slope of the ramp does matter.
This conclusion is not consistent with your data. See my previous notes.
** Speculate on why ave velocity changes with slope. **
The higher the slope the longer it takes to gain speed.
** How could you test your speculations? **
By looking at time intervals from each did trail.
** **
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Some things here need clarification; you do not appear to have reported time intervals but rather clock times.