
course Phy 121

assignment #001001. Rates

qa rates




Your answer has been noted. Enter 'ok' in the Response Box and click on Enter Response, then click on Next Question/Answer for the first real question.




confidence assessment: 3




`q002. Note that there are 10 questions in this assignment. The questions are of increasing difficulty--the first questions are fairly easy but later questions are very tricky. The main purposes of these exercises are to refine your thinking about rates, and to see how you process challenging information. Continue as far as you can until you are completely lost. Students who are prepared for the highest-level math courses might not ever get lost.

If you make $50 in 5 hr, then at what rate are you earning money?



$10 an hour

confidence assessment: 3




`q003.If you make $60,000 per year then how much do you make per month?



$5,000 per month

confidence assessment: 3




`q004. Suppose that the $60,000 is made in a year by a small business. Would be more appropriate to say that the business makes $5000 per month, or that the business makes an average of $5000 per month?



that the business makes an average of $5000 a month

confidence assessment: 3




`q005. If you travel 300 miles in 6 hours, at what average rate are you covering distance, and why do we say average rate instead of just plain rate?



50 miles in per hour

confidence assessment: 3




`q006. If you use 60 gallons of gasoline on a 1200 mile trip, then at what average rate are you using gasoline, with respect to miles traveled?



20 miles per gallon of gas

confidence assessment: 3




The rate of change of one quantity with respect to another is the change in the first quantity, divided by the change in the second. As in previous examples, we found the rate at which money was made with respect to time by dividing the amount of money made by the time required to make it.

By analogy, the rate at which we use fuel with respect to miles traveled is the change in the amount of fuel divided by the number of miles traveled. In this case we use 60 gallons of fuel in 1200 miles, so the average rate it 60 gal / (1200 miles) = .05 gallons / mile.

Note that this question didn't ask for miles per gallon. Miles per gallon is an appropriate and common calculation, but it measures the rate at which miles are covered with respect to the amount of fuel used. Be sure you see the difference.

Note that in this problem we again have here an example of a rate, but unlike previous instances this rate is not calculated with respect to time. This rate is calculated with respect to the amount of fuel used. We divide the accumulated quantity, in this case miles, by the amount of fuel required to cover those miles. Note that again we call the result of this problem an average rate because there are always at least subtle differences in driving conditions that require the use of more fuel on some miles than on others.

It's very important to understand the phrase 'with respect to'. Whether the calculation makes sense or not, it is defined by the order of the terms.

In this case gallons / mile tells you how many gallons you are burning, on the average, per mile. This concept is not as familiar as miles / gallon, but except for familiarity it's technically no more difficult.

You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes.




confidence assessment: 3

&#Your response did not agree with the given solution in all details, and you should therefore have addressed the discrepancy with a full self-critique, detailing the discrepancy and demonstrating exactly what you do and do not understand about the given solution, and if necessary asking specific questions (to which I will respond).





`q007. The word 'average' generally connotes something like adding two quantities and dividing by 2, or adding several quantities and dividing by the number of quantities we added. Why is it that we are calculating average rates but we aren't adding anything?



Most of the time you need to divide in order to find the rate.

confidence assessment: 2




`q008. In a study of how lifting strength is influenced by various ways of training, a study group was divided into 2 subgroups of equally matched individuals. The first group did 10 pushups per day for a year and the second group did 50 pushups per day for year. At the end of the year to lifting strength of the first group averaged 147 pounds, while that of the second group averaged 162 pounds. At what average rate did lifting strength increase per daily pushup?



.4 lbs per day

confidence assessment: 2




`q009. In another part of the study, participants all did 30 pushups per day, but one group did pushups with a 10-pound weight on their shoulders while the other used a 30-pound weight. At the end of the study, the first group had an average lifting strength of 171 pounds, while the second had an average lifting strength of 188 pounds. At what average rate did lifting strength increase with respect to the added shoulder weight?



I have no idea

confidence assessment:


You need to redo this assignment as well, and include all given solutions and detailed self-critiques.