course Phy 121 ín~L郛T̽assignment #001
11:08:10 Physics video clip 01: A ball rolls down a straight inclined ramp. It is the velocity the ball constant? Is the velocity increasing? Is the velocity decreasing?
RESPONSE --> You can obviously tell that the ball's velocity is in fact increasing.
11:08:57 If the ball had a speedometer we could tell. What could we measure to determine whether the velocity of the ball is increase or decreasing?
RESPONSE --> You could measure from one point to another and then time the experiment from point one to point two.
11:09:34 What is the shape of the velocity vs. clock time graph for the motion of the ball?
RESPONSE --> On a graph it would be in an upward rise.
11:10:37 A ball rolls down ramp which curves upward at the starting end and otherwise rests on a level table. What is the shape of the velocity vs. clock time graph for the motion of the ball?
RESPONSE --> It would be in an upward slope at first then slowly move to a stationary position.
11:12:05 ** It turns out that on a straight incline the velocity increases at a constant rate, so the graph is a straight line which increases from left to right. Note for future reference that a ball on a constant incline will tend to have a straight-line v vs. t graph; if the ball was on a curved ramp its velocity vs. clock time graph would not be straight, but would deviate from straightness depending on the nature of the curvature (e.g., slope decreasing at increasing rate implies v vs. t graph increasing at increasing rate).**
RESPONSE --> It would be in a increasing rate because the it would move faster as it goes down the incline. The graph would also be in a upward slope moving faster and faster.