
course Phy 201

Would like to have feedback. Thanks, Joshua

A ball starting from rest rolls 11 cm down an incline on which its acceleration is 29 cm/s2, then onto a second incline 32 cm long on which its acceleration is 14 cm/s2. How much time does it spend on each incline?

‘dt= sqrt(2’ds/a), ‘dt = .87s on the first incline. vF for the first incline = v0 for second incline. vF = (2’ds/’dt), vf=25cm/s

Vf for second incline is found using vf^2 = v0^2 + 2a’ds, vf^2 = (25cm/s)^2 + 2(14cm/s^2)(32cm), vf = 40cm/s, vAve = (vf + v0) /2, vAve = 32.5 cm/s; ‘dt = ‘ds/vAve ‘dt = 32cm/32.5cm/s, ‘dt on the second incline = .98s


Very good work. Let me know if you have questions. &#