measuring atmospheric pressure



The water moves up the tube as before, with about the same amount of pressure. The water in the pressure tube only moves slightly as compared to the height of the water in the vertical tube because it can only moves as far in the tube as the air column can compress.

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I have decided to use millimeters as the measurement for the movement of the meniscus because when I squeeze it does not appear to move very far.

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I obtained this length by reading from 0mm to 158mm along the column of air.

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158mm, 154mm

158mm, 154mm

158mm, 154mm

158mm, 154mm

158mm, 154mm

** **

158mm, 153mm

158mm, 152mm

158mm, 152mm

158mm, 153mm

158mm, 152mm

** **

158mm, 142mm

158mm, 142mm

158mm, 142mm

158mm, 142mm

158mm, 142mm


You have good data, which will be used in the next experiment as well.
