Initial Assignment 2

course Phy 201

I could not get the c:\vhmthphy file to open.

c:\vhmthphy is a folder, not a file. Exactly what were you trying to open?

ʝ|k啺Hassignment #002

002. Describing Graphs

qa initial problems




`q001. You will frequently need to describe the graphs you have constructed in this course. This exercise is designed to get you used to some of the terminology we use to describe graphs. Please complete this exercise and email your work to the instructor. Note that you should do these graphs on paper without using a calculator. None of the arithmetic involved here should require a calculator, and you should not require the graphing capabilities of your calculator to answer these questions.

Problem 1. We make a table for y = 2x + 7 as follows: We construct two columns, and label the first column 'x' and the second 'y'. Put the numbers -3, -2, -1, -, 1, 2, 3 in the 'x' column. We substitute -3 into the expression and get y = 2(-3) + 7 = 1. We substitute -2 and get y = 2(-2) + 7 = 3. Substituting the remaining numbers we get y values 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13. These numbers go into the second column, each next to the x value from which it was obtained. We then graph these points on a set of x-y coordinate axes. Noting that these points lie on a straight line, we then construct the line through the points.

Now make a table for and graph the function y = 3x - 4.

Identify the intercepts of the graph, i.e., the points where the graph goes through the x and the y axes.



x y

-3 -13

-2 -10

-1 -1

0 -4

1 -1

2 2

y= 3(-3)-4

-9 - 4


y= 3(-2)-4

-6 - 4


y= 3(-1)-4


y= 3(0)-4

0 - 4


y= 3(1)-4

3 - 4


y= 3(2)-4

6 - 4


y= 3(3)-4

9 - 4


The graph intercepts at 0,-1 and 0,1

confidence assessment: 2




The graph goes through the x axis when y = 0 and through the y axis when x = 0.

The x-intercept is therefore when 0 = 3x - 4, so 4 = 3x and x = 4/3.

The y-intercept is when y = 3 * 0 - 4 = -4. Thus the x intercept is at (4/3, 0) and the y intercept is at (0, -4).

Your graph should confirm this.



I understand this. I miss read my graph and had 0,-4.

self critique assessment: 3




`q002. Does the steepness of the graph in the preceding exercise (of the function y = 3x - 4) change? If so describe how it changes.



the steepness changes with a positive slope.

confidence assessment: 2




The graph forms a straight line with no change in steepness.



self critique assessment: 3




`q003. What is the slope of the graph of the preceding two exercises (the function ia y = 3x - 4;slope is rise / run between two points of the graph)?



The graph has a positive rise and a positive run.

confidence assessment: 2




Between any two points of the graph rise / run = 3.

For example, when x = 2 we have y = 3 * 2 - 4 = 2 and when x = 8 we have y = 3 * 8 - 4 = 20. Between these points the rise is 20 - 2 = 18 and the run is 8 - 2 = 6 so the slope is rise / run = 18 / 6 = 3.

Note that 3 is the coefficient of x in y = 3x - 4.

Note the following for reference in subsequent problems: The graph of this function is a straight line. The graph increases as we move from left to right. We therefore say that the graph is increasing, and that it is increasing at constant rate because the steepness of a straight line doesn't change.



I am not quite sure how the example coorelates with the provious problem. I also don't understand how the 3 is the rise and fall of the slope.

self critique assessment: 2

The given solution arbitrarily chose x = 2 and x = 8.

The equation y = 3 x - 4 from the previous exercise was used to find the y coordinates.

The run is the change in the x coordinate from the first point to the second.

The rise is the change in the y coordinate.

The slope is rise / run.

For this function, the slope would have been the same for any choice of two different x values.




`q004. Make a table of y vs. x for y = x^2. Graph y = x^2 between x = 0 and x = 3.

Would you say that the graph is increasing or decreasing?

Does the steepness of the graph change and if so, how?

Would you say that the graph is increasing at an increasing rate, increasing at a constant rate, increasing at a decreasing rate, decreasing at an decreasing rate, decreasing at a constant rate, or decreasing at a decreasing rate?



The graph is increasing.

The steepness changes because the line is curved.

The graph is increasing at an increasing rate.

confidence assessment: 2




Graph points include (0,0), (1,1), (2,4) and (3,9). The y values are 0, 1, 4 and 9, which increase as we move from left to right.

The increases between these points are 1, 3 and 5, so the graph not only increases, it increases at an increasing rate

STUDENT QUESTION: I understand just not sure at what do you determine increasing at an increasing rate or a constant rate?

INSTRUCTOR RESPONSE: Does the y value increase by the same amount, by a greater amount or by a lesser amount every time x increases by 1?

In this case the increases get greater and greater. So the graph increases, and at an increasing rate. *&*&.



self critique assessment: 3




`q005. Make a table of y vs. x for y = x^2. Graph y = x^2 between x = -3 and x = 0.

Would you say that the graph is increasing or decreasing?

Does the steepness of the graph change and if so, how?

Would you say that the graph is increasing at an increasing rate, increasing at a constant rate, increasing at a decreasing rate, decreasing at an decreasing rate, decreasing at a constant rate, or decreasing at a decreasing rate?



x = -3, -2, -1, 0

y = -9, -4, -1, 0

The graph is increasing

The steepness of the graph changes at ( -1,-1).

The graph is increasing at a decreasing rate.

confidence assessment: 2




From left to right the graph is decreasing (points (-3,9), (-2,4), (-1,1), (0,0) show y values 9, 4, 1, 0 as we move from left to right ). The magnitudes of the changes in x from 9 to 4 to 1 to 0 decrease, so the steepness is decreasing.

Thus the graph is decreasing, but more and more slowly. We therefore say that the graph is decreasing at a decreasing rate.



self critique assessment: 3


Your response did not agree with the given solution in all details, and you should therefore have addressed the discrepancy with a full self-critique, detailing the discrepancy and demonstrating exactly what you do and do not understand about the given solution, and if necessary asking specific questions (to which I will respond).





`q006. Make a table of y vs. x for y = `sqrt(x). [note: `sqrt(x) means 'the square root of x']. Graph y = `sqrt(x) between x = 0 and x = 3.

Would you say that the graph is increasing or decreasing?

Does the steepness of the graph change and if so, how?

Would you say that the graph is increasing at an increasing rate, increasing at a constant rate, increasing at a decreasing rate, decreasing at an decreasing rate, decreasing at a constant rate, or decreasing at a decreasing rate?



x= 0, 1, 2, 3

y= 0, 1, 1.4, 1.7

The graph is increasing.

The steepness of the graph changes by slowing down.

The graph is increasing at a decreasing rate.

confidence assessment: 1




If you use x values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 you will obtain graph points (0,0), (1,1), (2,1.414), (3. 1.732), (4,2). The y value changes by less and less for every succeeding x value. Thus the steepness of the graph is decreasing.

The graph would be increasing at a decreasing rate.

If the graph respresents the profile of a hill, the hill starts out very steep but gets easier and easier to climb. You are still climbing but you go up by less with each step, so the rate of increase is decreasing.

If your graph doesn't look like this then you probably are not using a consistent scale for at least one of the axes. If your graph isn't as desribed take another look at your plot and make a note in your response indicating any difficulties.



self critique assessment: 3




** From basic algebra recall that a^(-b) = 1 / (a^b).

So, for example:

2^-2 = 1 / (2^2) = 1/4, so 5 * 2^-2 = 5 * 1/4 = 5/4.

5* 2^-3 = 5 * (1 / 2^3) = 5 * 1/8 = 5/8. Etc.

The decimal equivalents of the values for x = 0 to x = 3 will be 5, 2.5, 1.25, .625. These values decrease, but by less and less each time.

The graph is therefore decreasing at a decreasing rate. **



x= 0,1,2,3

y= 5,2.5, 1.3, .6

The graph decreasing

The steepness of the grph is changing by slowing down

the graph is decreasing at a decreasing rate

self critique assessment: 2




`q008. Suppose you stand still in front of a driveway. A car starts out next to you and moves away from you, traveling faster and faster.

If y represents the distance from you to the car and t represents the time in seconds since the car started out, would a graph of y vs. t be increasing or decreasing?

Would you say that the graph is increasing at an increasing rate, increasing at a constant rate, increasing at a decreasing rate, decreasing at an decreasing rate, decreasing at a constant rate, or decreasing at a decreasing rate?



Y would be increasing

The car is increasing at an increasing rate because the car is traveling faster and faster.

confidence assessment: 2




** The speed of the car increases so it goes further each second. On a graph of distance vs. clock time there would be a greater change in distance with each second, which would cause a greater slope with each subsequent second. The graph would therefore be increasing at an increasing rate. **



self critique assessment: 3


Good work overall but be sure you note my comments.


Let me know if you have questions. &#