course phy 201
If an object increases velocity at a uniform rate from 8 m/s to 27 m/s in 13 seconds, what is its acceleration and how far does it travel?Sketch a velocity vs. clock time graph for an object whose initial velocity is 8 m/s and whose velocity 13 seconds later is 27 m/s. Explain what the slope of the graph means and why, and also what the area means and why.
19m/s=(`ds/13s) = 247m
The slope of the graph means the acceleration at the time. The rise is the velocity and the run is the time.
Very good.
No need to revise but note that
19m/s=(`ds/13s) = 247m
is not correct. I know what you mean but 19 m/s is not equal to 247 m.
`ds = 247m
would be fine.
No need to revise. But try to restrict the use of the = sign to quantities that are in fact equal.