query assignment 26

course Phy202

کnNȵassignment #026

026. Query 27

Physics II




Introductory Problem Set 2







Based on what you learned from Introductory Problem Set 2, how does the current in a wire of a given material, for a given voltage, depend on its length and cross-sectional area?



This depends on an equation involving multiplying the length and cross-sectional area together.




How can the current in a wire be determined from the drift velocity of its charge carriers and the number of charge carriers per unit length?



I'm not sure about this problem.




Will a wire of given length and material have greater or lesser electrical resistance if its cross-sectional area is greater, and why?



It will have a lesser electrical resistance because of those known materials causing more friction.




Will a wire of given material and cross-sectional area have greater or lesser electrical resistance if its length is greater, and why?



It will be greater because it will take longer and need to produce more electrical resistance based on the longer length of the material.




Query Principles and General Physics 16.24: Force on proton is 3.75 * 10^-14 N toward south. What is magnitude and direction of the field?



E would be equal to F / q which would end up being around 2*10^5 N/C.




The direction of the electric field is the same as that as the force on a positive charge. The proton has a positive charge, so the direction of the field is to the south.

The magnitude of the field is equal to the magnitude of the force divided by the charge. The charge on a proton is 1.6 * 10^-19 Coulombs. So the magnitude of the field is

E = F / q = 3.75 * 10^-14 N / (1.6 * 10^-19 C) = 2.36* 10^5 N / C.



ok this makes sense I understand this.




Query gen phy problem 16.32. field 745 N/C midway between two equal and opposite point charges separated by 16 cm.

What is the magnitude of each charge?



To find the magnitude you would divide q/ r^2 which equals 8cm or .08m.




** If the magnitude of the charge is q then the field contribution of each charge is k q / r^2, with r = 8 cm = .08 meters.

Since both charges contribute equally to the field, with the fields produced by both charges being in the same direction (on any test charge at the midpoint one force is of repulsion and the other of attraction, and the charges are on opposite sides of the midpoint), the field of either charge has magnitude 1/2 (745 N/C) = 373 N/C.

Thus E = 373 N/C and E = k q / r^2. We know k, E and r so we solve for q to obtain

q = E * r^2 / k = 373 N/C * (.08 m)^2 / (9 * 10^9 N m^2 / C^2)

= 373 N/C * .0064 m^2 / (9 * 10^9 N m^2 / C^2)

= 2.6 * 10^-10 C, approx. **



Ok This makes sense to me.




If the charges are represented by Q and -Q, what is the electric field at the midpoint?



I'm not sure how to work out this problem.




** this calls for a symbolic expression in terms of the symbol Q. The field would be 2 k Q / r^2, where r=.08 meters and the factor 2 is because there are two charges of magnitude Q both at the same distance from the point. **



Ok I understand how to work this now.




Query Principles and General Physics 16.26: Electric field 20.0 cm above 33.0 * 10^-6 C charge.



In order to find the magnitude you would multiply ( k* q* Q / r^2) / Q equaling around 7*10^6 N/C.




A positive charge at the given point will be repelled by the given positive charge, so will experience a force which is directly upward. The field has magnitude E = (k q Q / r^2) / Q, where q is the given charge and Q an arbitrary test charge introduced at the point in question. Since (k q Q / r^2) / Q = k q / r^2, we obtain E = 9 * 10^9 N m^2 / C^2 * 33.0 * 10^-6 C / (.200 m)^2 = 7.43 * 10^6 N / C.



Ok This makes sense I understand. I was close with around 7 even though it was 7.43.




query univ 22.30 (10th edition 23.30). Cube with faces S1 in xz plane, S2 top, S3 right side, S4 bottom, S5 front, S6 back on yz plane. E = -5 N/(C m) x i + 3 N/(C m) z k.

What is the flux through each face of the cube, and what is the total charge enclosed by the cube?



No text.




**** Advance correction of a common misconception: Flux is not a vector quantity so your flux values will not be multiples of the i, j and k vectors.

The vectors normal to S1, S2, ..., S6 are respectively -j, k, j, -k, i and -i. For any face the flux is the dot product of the field with the normal vector, multiplied by the area.

The area of each face is (.3 m)^2 = .09 m^2

So we have:

For S1 the flux is (-5 x N / (C m) * i + 3 z N / (C m) k ) dot (-j) * .09 m^2 = 0.

For S2 the flux is (-5 x N / (C m) * i + 3 z N / (C m) k ) dot ( k) * .09 m^2 = 3 z N / (C m) * .09 m^2.

For S3 the flux is (-5 x N / (C m) * i + 3 z N / (C m) k ) dot ( j) * .09 m^2 = 0.

For S4 the flux is (-5 x N / (C m) * i + 3 z N / (C m) k ) dot (-k) * .09 m^2 = -3 z N / (C m) * .09 m^2.

For S5 the flux is (-5 x N / (C m) * i + 3 z N / (C m) k ) dot ( i) * .09 m^2 = -5 x N / (C m) * .09 m^2.

For S6 the flux is (-5 x N / (C m) * i + 3 z N / (C m) k ) dot (-i) * .09 m^2 = 5 x N / (C m) * .09 m^2.

On S2 and S4 we have z = .3 m and z = 0 m, respectively, giving us flux .027 N m^2 / C on S2 and flux 0 on S4.

On S5 and S6 we have x = .3 m and x = 0 m, respectively, giving us flux -.045 N m^2 / C on S5 and flux 0 on S6.

The total flux is therefore .027 N m^2 / C - .045 N m^2 / C = -.018 N m^2 / C.

Since the total flux is 4 pi k Q, where Q is the charge enclosed by the surface, we have

4 pi k Q = -.018 N m^2 / C and

Q = -.018 N m^2 / C / (4 pi k) = -.018 N m^2 / C / (4 pi * 9 * 10^9 N m^2 / C^2) = -1.6 * 10^-13 C, approx. **







query univ 22.37 (23.27 10th edition) Spherical conducting shell inner radius a outer b, concentric with larger conducting shell inner radius c outer d. Total charges +2q, +4q.

Give your solution.



No text.




** The electric field inside either shell must be zero, so the charge enclosed by any sphere concentric with the shells and lying within either shell must be zero, and the field is zero for a < r < b and for c < r < d.

Thus the total charge on the inner surface of the innermost shell is zero, since this shell encloses no charge. The entire charge 2q of the innermost shell in concentrated on its outer surface.

For any r such that b < r < c the charge enclosed by the corresponding sphere is the 2 q of the innermost shell, so that the electric field is 4 pi k * 2q / r^2 = 8 pi k q / r^2.

Considering a sphere which encloses the inner but not the outer surface of the second shell we see that this sphere must contain the charge 2q of the innermost shell. Since this sphere is within the conducting material the electric field on this sphere is zero and the net flux thru this sphere is zero. Thus the total charge enclosed by this sphere is zero. Since the charge enclosed by the sphere includes the 2q of the innermost shell, the sphere must also enclose a charge -2 q, which by symmetry must be evenly distributed on the inner surface of the second shell.

Any sphere which encloses both shells must enclose the total charge of both shells, which is 6 q. Since we have 2q on the innermost shell and -2q on the inner surface of the second shell the charge on the outer surface of this shell must be 6 q.

For any r such that d < r the charge enclosed by the corresponding sphere is the 6 q of the two shells, so that the electric field is 4 pi k * 6q / r^2 = 24 pi k q / r^2. **



Ok. These concepts are making better sense though.




query univ 23.46 (23.34 10th edition). Long conducting tube inner radius a, outer b. Lin chg density `alpha. Line of charge, same density along axis.



No text.




**The Gaussian surfaces appropriate to this configuration are cylinders of length L which are coaxial with the line charge. The symmetries of the situation dictate that the electric field is everywhere radial and hence that the field passes through the curved surface of each cylinder at right angle to that surface. The surface area of the curved portion of any such surface is 2 pi r L, where r is the radius of the cylinder.

For r < a the charge enclosed by the Gaussian surface is L * alpha so that the flux is

charge enclosed = 4 pi k L * alpha

and the electric field is

electric field = flux / area = 4 pi k L * alpha / (2 pi r L ) = 2 k alpha / r.

For a < r < b, a Gaussian surface of radius r lies within the conductor so the field is zero (recall that if the field wasn't zero, the free charges inside the conductor would move and we wouldn't be in a steady state). So the net charge enclosed by this surface is zero. Since the line charge enclosed by the surface is L * alpha, the inner surface of the conductor must therefore contain the equal and opposite charge -L * alpha, so that the inner surface carries charge density -alpha.

For b < r the Gaussian surface encloses both the line charge and the charge of the cylindrical shell, each of which has charge density alpha, so the charge enclosed is 2 L * alpha and the electric field is radial with magnitude 4 pi k * 2 L * alpha / (2 pi r L ) = 4 k alpha / r. Since the enclosed charge that of the line charge (L * alpha) as well as the inner surface of the shell (L * (-alpha) ), which the entire system carries charge L * alpha, we have

line charge + charge on inner cylinder + charge on outer cylinder = alpha * L, we have

alpha * L - alpha * L + charge on outer cylinder = alpha * L, so charge on outer cylinder = 2 alpha * L,

so the outer surface of the shell has charge density 2 alpha. **



Ok I understand this material.



assignment #026

026. Query 27

Physics II


&#Good responses. Let me know if you have questions. &#