course Phy202
16:01:28 Query introductory problem set 54 #'s 14-18. Explain whether, and if so how, the force on a charged particle due to the field between two capacitor plates is affected by its velocity.
RESPONSE --> The electric field does not involve velocity but there is a force due to the electric field.
16:01:38 ** There is a force due to the electric field between the plates, but the effect of an electric field does not depend on velocity. The plates of a capacitor do not create a magnetic field. **
RESPONSE --> Ok this makes sense.
16:03:09 Explain whether, and if so how, the force on a charged particle due to the magnetic field created by a wire coil is affected by its velocity.
RESPONSE --> There is a wire coil that creates a magnetic field perpendicular to the coil.
16:04:10 ** A wire coil does create a magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the coil. If the charged particle moves in a direction perpendicular to the coil then a force F = q v B is exerted by the field perpendicular to both the motion of the particle and the direction of the field. The precise direction is determined by the right-hand rule. **
RESPONSE --> Ok this makes sense.
16:05:44 Explain how the net force changes with velocity as a charged particle passes through the field between two capacitor plates, moving perpendicular to the constant electric field, in the presence of a constant magnetic field oriented perpendicular to both the velocity of the particle and the field of the capacitor.
RESPONSE --> Not sure how to do this problem.
16:06:28 ** At low enough velocities the magnetic force F = q v B is smaller in magnitude than the electrostatic force F = q E. At high enough velocities the magnetic force is greater in magnitude than the electrostatic force. At a certain specific velocity, which turns out to be v = E / B, the magnitudes of the two forces are equal. If the perpendicular magnetic and electric fields exert forces in opposite directions on the charged particle then when the magnitudes of the forces are equal the net force on the particle is zero and it passes through the region undeflected. **
RESPONSE --> Ok I understand this.
16:08:49 Query Principles and General Physics 20.2: Force on wire of length 160 meters carrying 150 amps at 65 degrees to Earth's magnetic field of 5.5 * 10^-5 T.
RESPONSE --> The current is equal to I * L * B * sin(theta) which ends up equaling 1.20 N