question form


Phy 202

Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

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On the webpage for your course, click on Assts or Assignments (in some courses (e.g., Liberal Arts Mathematics I and II) the assignments are simply given by a table and there is no Assts link), then on Due Dates (in courses which use a table for assignments, the Due Dates link is provided a few lines above the table), and describe what you see there. Note due dates are updated by the first day of classes; until this update the Due Dates will be for the preceding semester.

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When I went on Blackboard to locate the Assts or Assignments page, the only page that had that tab was the Supervised Study Summer 2011. However, when I clicked on the Assignments tab, it only says the following:


These Supervised Study pages are currently used for displaying test grades and other grade-related information. If you click on 'My Grades' or 'Grade Center' you will see any information that has been posted.

Since tests comprise the bulk of your grades, any grade reported before your first test could be misleading, so it is likely that will be the first grade posted. In the meantime you will get the instructor's comments on each assignment you submit.

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Is there a different website I'm supposed to be using? I don't understand how to complete the orientation because the information I'm looking for seems to be missing on Blackboard

@& You won't find your Assignments page in Blackboard. This is explained prior to the question you are asking about.

Your question comes from one of the Orientation assignments. It appears you have overlooked information in the questions that precede this one.

Please go back to the beginning of this Orientation document and fill in all the answers you can, and submit the document. Be sure you have also done the Orientation assignments that precede this one.
