Phy 202
Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
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I went to look over the problem sets for the last unit (problem set 7), and none (or almost none) work. The links go to an error message.
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I also tried the link that says bad links on problem sets, but that just sent me back to the homepage.
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How can I access the sets? And if I can't access the sets how can I practice the material for test 4?
@& I've tried to email you a more detailed fix for this, but the necessary network connection appears to be down (a very unusual glitch).
I also have no way of telling how that 'bad links' link got corrupted, but will be able to fix this tomorrow. Please email me to prompt me to do so.
If you want to try a manual solution of your own the following would work, provided your computer displays the necessary information:
The links in the problem sets are to files with names like
The numbers 08 and 02 in the above stand for the numbers of the problems. The letters d and a correspond to different versions of the problem statement. The numbers 2 and 3 correspond to the specific instance of the problem.
The error occurs because some problems only have an a version, not a b, c or d version.
If you can display the URL of the link, you can manually change that letter to a, and a problem should display.
I can easily rewrite a valid menu for these problems, but right now I do appear to be locked out, so I'll have to do this tomorrow while I'm on campus.*@
Phy 202
Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
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A hypothetical atom with negligible kinetic energy has a mass of 249 amu. It undergoes a beta decay. The remaining atom has atomic mass 248.6 amu. What is the kinetic energy and/or wavelength (whichever is more appropriate) of the emitted particle, assuming that the kinetic energy of the remaining atom is negligible? How much energy would be released by the decay of a mole of these atoms? Note that the mass of a helium nucleus is about 4.001 amu and the mass of an electron about .00055 amu, where an amu is approximately 1.66 * 10^-27 kg?
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This question was on the practice test #3, but I don't remember seeing anything like this in this unit. Is this supposed to be in test 4? If it's in the write test, how would you start to solve it? What formulas would you use?
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self-critique #$&*
#$&* self-critique
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rating #$&*:
@& There are a couple of questions on Test 3 that belong on Test 4, and this is one of them.
They aren't difficult if you know how to do them, and if you do I'll be glad to count them. Otherwise they will be omitted when I grade Test 3.*@