question form


Phy 242

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** Question Form_labelMessages **

Assignment 10 Labs to View

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Along with the Introductory Problem Sets, view but do not actually conduct the two experiments listed below. In Assignment 22 you will be doing a modified version of these experiments using a chain made of rubber bands and paper clips.

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For Assignment 10, it says to view the video experiments 10 & 11. When I click on these links (one for 10, and one for 11), it takes me to a page with these series of directions:

Video Experiment 10

Begin by downloading the program String Simulation under Simulations (button at top of page) and watch it for a few minutes (choose Default or just hit Enter at the beginning). The simulation is actually pretty soothing and looks fairly good. It shows you what happens in a string when it is plucked randomly. Certain oscillations disappear quickly, leaving the first few harmonics (modes of oscillation). Different plucks have different end results. Note the differences for yourself. When you finish these experiments you should watch the simulation again.

These experiments will show you how these individual modes arise. The string oscillations you see near the end of the simulation are superpositions of these modes of vibration.

Clip 1: You see 100-grams masses at 25 cm intervals with 12.5 cm at each end.

What is the string's length?

If each centimeter of rubber-band stretch (stretch is measured as the excess over the unstretched length) corresponds to approximately .9 Newtons of force, for each rubber band, then what is the tension in the string at each of the rubber-band lengths: 8.7 cm (unstretched), 9 cm and 9.7 cm?

Note that pulses are somewhat difficult to see. What is the approximate velocity of the pulse at each tension?


The document continues...

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Basically I'm just making sure that the links I'm clicking on are links to the actual experiments, correct? And that I don't need to fill in the information since I am not actually performing the experiments. When the instructions for an assignment say 'view' experiments, all I'm required to do is simply view the experiments, correct? There is no work submition needed, correct?


There might be questions related to the experimental situations in the Query, but you just need to view. You won't be asked for data.
