Phy 242
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Question about grades
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I'm just wondering how I'm doing in the class? I know two of my test scores but I don't know how I'm doing on labs & assignments. Just trying to get an idea of how I'm doing. Thanks!
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What do my grades look like? How am I doing in this class?
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Phy 242
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Test 4 Question
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uncertainty principle: `dx * `dp = h
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This was stated in an explanation you gave on a problem set (Set 57 Problem #5). However, in the book the uncertainty principle is dx*dp is greater than or equal to hbar/2. I'm confused as to why you are saying it is just equal to h.
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Why does your explanation say dx*dp= h when the book shows dx*dp is greater than or equal to hbar/2.
The product in the given solution is Heisenberg's original estimate.
Subsequent developments in particle wave mechanics refined this to h_bar / 2, which is roughly 1/10 of h.
Phy 242
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A certain hypothetical atom contains 55 protons and 70 neutrons in its nucleus and has an atomic mass of 124.2 atomic mass units, or amu (an amu is approximately 1.66 * 10^-27 kg). How many protons and how many neutrons will it end up with if it undergoes an alpha decay? How many if it undergoes a beta decay? How many if it undergoes a gamma decay?
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For an alpha decay, it loses two protons and two neutrons. However, I don't know how I would find the number of protons and neutrons for a beta decay because the book shows 3 different beta decays. Which type of beta decay are you talking about? And for a gamma decay I know the protons and neutrons remain the same.
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What type of beta decay are you asking about (+, -, or electron capture)?
The Introductory Problem Sets are slightly simpler than the text, since they cover a fairly significant number of topics.
In those sets just plain beta decay is beta - decay, in which a regular electron is emitted. I believe beta + decay is also mentioned, but if so the + is always included.