Phy 241
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** Question Form_labelMessages **
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I was scheduled to take test 2 this Wednesday, but my Wife and I were on vacation last week and did not get in until late last night. I had anticipated studying for the test on vacation but I honestly did not do anything that required much thinking. Because of this I am not prepared to take test 2. I would try to do it later this week or early next week but the library I test at has limited hours and I work full time. The only day I can test there without having to clock out and leave work is on Wednesday afternoons.
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I know the due date for the test is by the 24th, but I wanted to see if it is OK if I take it on the 25th so I do not have to leave work. Would this be a problem?
This won't be a problem.
My wife and I took a 48-hour vacation over the weekend, and I understand the part about not thinking.