question form

phy 201

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I was just looking around on the website and found this:

Physics 201-202

Your assignments consist of the Experiments specified for your course, the Introductory Problem Sets, the Randomized Problems and any text problems assigned to your course.

The text problems assigned to your course are marked either Physics 201, Physics 202 or General College Physics.

You are required to submit only those text problems indicated for submission.

You may if you wish turn in any problem for feedback, even if not marked for submission.

(?????)Do i not need to submit all of the query and open qa for each of the assignments??

you are to submit the query and qa, and any problems specifically marked for submission

(?????)Also, I cannot open the practice quiz to review for the upcoming major quiz.

You don't say what file you are trying to open; for future reference remember it's important to include such details.

However in this case I'm pretty sure I know what link you're talking about. It would be the link in Assignment 8. I've now replaced that with the correct link, which will give you a document in qa format.

(?????)One more thing, I have been doing all of my work in the engineering lab at DCC with an instructor in here all the time, is it ok if i take my quiz in this lab?


If an instructor at that location agrees to take responsibility for ensuring that the test is proctored according to instructions. Submit the Proctor Information Form at and I'll send the details to email address you provide.