Your 'measuring atmospheric pressure' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
** your comment **
** How does the system behave and how does it 'feel'? **
When I squeeze the bottle the water in the vertical tube rises and the water in the pressure indicating tube moves away from the top of the bottle. The water in the pressure indicating tube does not move very far. I also still have the cap on it, and I think it is still supposed to be there.
** Length of the air column in units of your measuring device: **
I chose the single reduced ruler because I feel that I can most accurately read the smallest markings on it. The other reduced rulers are much harder for me to read. The importance of using the reduced ruler is because the movement in the meniscus and air bubble are so small.
** Your report of the vertical position of the first mark relative to the water surface of the first mark, the length of the air column in units of your selected measuring device, and the two meniscus positions observed with each of your five trials. **
29.2 cm
I used one of the single reduced rulers starting with 1cm and measured
from the end of the barrier in the capped end to the meniscus(Where the water column began.
** Your report of the vertical position of the second mark relative to the water surface of the first mark, the length of the air column in units of your selected measuring device, and the two meniscus positions observed with each of your five trials. **
30 cm
29.2 cm
29.9 cm, 29.0 cm
29.9 cm, 29.0 cm
29.9 cm, 29.1 cm
29.9 cm, 29.1 cm
29.9 cm, 29.15 cm
This means that the meniscus moves about the same distance (about .85 cm)with every squeeze. And the length of the air column gets smaller as you squeeze. The difference between the measurements is probably due to the varying force behind the squeeze. Because the water may have moved as I looked over to the ruler to take my measurement while trying to maintain a constant squeeze.
** Your report of the vertical position of the highest mark relative to the water surface of the first mark, the length of the air column in units of your selected measuring device, and the two meniscus positions observed with each of your five trials. **
40 cm
29.2 cm
29.8 cm, 28.7 cm
29.7 cm, 28.75 cm
29.7 cm, 28.8 cm
29.8 cm, 28.8 cm
29.85 cm, 28.9 cm
** Your report of the vertical position of the 'in-between' mark relative to the water surface of the first mark, the length of the air column in units of your selected measuring device, and the two meniscus positions observed with each of your five trials. **
50 cm (third mark)
29.2 cm
29.9 cm, 28.75 cm
29.9 cm, 28.75 cm
29.95 cm, 28.6 cm
29.95 cm, 28.6 cm
30 cm, 28.65 cm
** **
Excellent data. You should get really good results in Part II.