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10, 100 cm, 50 cm, 1 m/s
12, 110 cm, 30 cm, .87 m/s
13, 120 cm, 25 cm, .78 m/s
100 cm
the data shown shows the number of cycles in ten seconds, and the second numer shows how long the chain was, the third, the height of the ends above the middle, and the last is the speed of a pulse. the last line is the unstretched length of thee chain (app.)
** You were to include also a brief report of the data you used to determine pulse speeds and how you used it to determine those speeds. The trend of your pulse speeds is inconsistent with the rest of your information.
Please submit a copy of this document and insert the requested information.**
the light was three meters from the bottle, the bottle has a diameter of 15.7 cm, and the book was about 15 cm from the bottle
the book now had to be about 4 cm from the bottle
moving the light to about 50 cm means that there is now no clear line.
approximately 30 minutes
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