Your 'cq_1_01.2' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
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Asst 1 Question 2
The problem:
Answer the following:
• How accurately do you think you can measure the time between two events using the TIMER program?
I do not think this program can accurately measure the time between two events very well because it seems to round a lot (that is why some of the same numbers appear so frequently between clicks). I think that it can probably measure only to the hundredths place will any real degree of accuracy.
• What is the shortest time interval you think you would be able to measure with reasonable accuracy?
I think that you can only measure time intervals to about the hundredths place accurately on the TIMER program.
• How does the percent error in timing intervals change as the time between the events gets smaller?
I think that the percent error would increase as the time between the events got smaller because the program would be rounding more, which would cause it to give false time distances that were more than they time distance was in reality.
Good. Another way to see it is that the program is going to be prone to a certain error regardless the time interval, and the smaller the interval the bigger percent that will be.
• How accurately are you able to measure the positions of the ball and the pendulum in the initial video?
I don’t think that you can accurately measure these distances very well for many reasons. Firstly, the video is a bit “grainy” so you can’t make any really, really specific observations. Such as you could say that the ball started on the ruler at 1.0 cm when it really did at 1.025 cm. Secondly, the pendulum kind of gets in the way for taking distance and time ratios for the ball. The pendulum itself, however, is easier to take time measurements of, but again those aren’t the most accurate due to the film quality.
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About 25 minutes or so.
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Good responses. See my notes and let me know if you have questions.