phy 201
Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
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I just wanted to say that I was unaware that I had to contact the bookstore myself for the lab kit and dvds, i thought that's what the request form was for. I just called them and ordered everything so it should be shipped out tomorrow. Just wanted to explain for the delay in some of the assignments and apologize. Also, I had submitted a proctor form to you but not received any confirmation back. Just wanted to make sure you received the information and if there's anything else that i need to do regarding the proctor site. Thanks.
You should have the materials by the time you really need them around the middle of next week.
You aren't the only student who had this confusion regarding the lab materials. However the first real paragraph of the form reads
'The purpose of this form is to ensure that you request the correct lab kit items from the bookstore. You will be notified when lab materials are available. You will then either call the bookstore to arrange payment (Note: it should be obvious that you should not do so; in any case do NOT include your credit card information on this form), or stop by in person. If you are coming to the VHCC campus to pick up your lab kit, you should call the bookstore first to be sure the materials you need are available, and you should ask them to reserve those materials for you.'
I believe several of the messages sent through the mailing list included a message to physics students stating that the lab materials were ready in the bookstore. Again, assuming the messages were indeed sent as I believe they were, you are certainly not the only one to miss the information.
I'll be contacting proctors not later than the weekend. Let me know if you haven't received a confirmation by then that your proctor has been contacted.