phy 201
Your 'ball down ramp' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
** Your general comment **
** Will a steeper ramp give greater or lesser time? **
the time required will be least for the steepest ramp
** As slopes increases will time intervals increase, decrease or show no pattern? **
** Your report of 5 trials each way for 1 domino **
was collected by timing the ball rolling down the ramp to hit the bracket.
** Your report of 5 trials each way for 2 dominoes **
was collected by timing the ball rolling down the ramp to hit the bracket.
** Your report of 5 trials each way for 3 dominoes **
was collected by timing the ball rolling down the ramp to hit the bracket.
** Do your results support or fail to support your hypothesis about increasing or decreasing times? **
the results support the hypotheses, the steeper the slope, the shorter the time to fall
** How do you think ave velocity is related to slope? **
the average velocity increases as the slope of the ramp increases.
** Speculate on why ave velocity changes with slope. **
the gravity pulls at a more vertical angle so there is less resistance of the ramp on the ball.
** How could you test your speculations? **
run the lab experiment and record data.
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30 min.
** **
Good data, good work.