
phy 201

Your 'cq_1_17.1' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

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A steel ball rolls down a ramp and collides with a marble, as in the video. The marble is slightly smaller and quite a bit less massive than the ball.

• If they both experience the same force, which will have the greater acceleration?

answer/question/discussion: Using a bit of reasoning and common sense, I come with the conclusion that F = m * a. Therefore a = F / m. using this, we notice that since force is constant, acceleration would be greater with a smaller mass. The smaller, less massive, marble would have the greater acceleration.

• If the forces were exerted during identical time intervals, which would have the greater change in velocity?

answer/question/discussion: KE = .5m(v^2); v = sqrt(2*KE / m)

Again, the smaller mass would experience the greater change in velocity.

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5 min.

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i had just submitted but forgot to put my name and access code in i believe. here is the resubmission.

Good reasoning, but KE isn't directly involved here. Momentum change is more directly related to this situation, and it turns out to be momentum rather than KE that is conserved in the collision. No revision is necessary, but take a good look at the document in the link below:

&#At least part of your solution does not agree with the solution and comments given at the link below. You should view the solution at that link and self-critique as indicated there.


This link also expands on these topics and alerts you to many of the common errors made by students in the first part of this course. &#