course Mth 173
2/13 11:30
Copy the document below into your word processor or text editor. Complete each task, and respond as indicated:Note: If you do not have the disks for your course, you should not complete this exercise at this time. Complete this once you have your disks.
Task: `q000: Verify that you have your disks.
Your response (insert your response beginning in the next line):
Note: If you do not have the disks for your course, you cannot complete this exercise at this time. Complete this once you have your disks.
Checking disks:
Task: `q001. Class notes, in lecture format with working video links, are distributed on the disk(s) you purchased from the bookstore.
If you do not have your disks yet you will have to skip this instruction for now, and you will need to return to this exercise when you receive them. If that is the case you may close this assignment after first entering in the response area below a statement that you do not yet have the disks.
Note that the contents of your disk can be copied to a convenient device or location on your hard drive. The entire contents will fit easily on a flash drive with capacity 8 gigaBytes or more, and require only a small fraction of the space on a typical hard drive.
The file structure of the disk has a root folder and a number of subfolders. If you browse to the contents of the folder, either on the disk or on another device to which it has been copied, you will see the file cal1_part_1.htm
This file will run in your Internet browser, and will give you access to the entire contents of the disk.
When you run the HTML file you will get a menu with series of links entitled
Disk 1 (Gen 1)
Disk 2
Disk 3
Disk 4
Disk 5
Disk 6
Disk 7
(Disk 3, Applied Calculus I )
(Disk 4, Applied Calculus I)
(Disk 5, Applied Calculus I)
(Disk 6, Applied Calculus I)
(Disk 7, Applied Calculus I)
Miscellaneous Topics from Chapters 2 and 3, Applied Calculus I
If you click on any of these headings you will be taken to a submenu, from which you can access individual Class Notes with working video links.
For disks 3 - 7 you can ignore the versions labeled for Applied Calculus I.
Do this now and describe what you see.
Your response (insert your response beginning in the next line; the next line is blank and doesn't include the #$... prompt):
Links to class notes and videos.
#$&* (Note that your response was to go into 'the next line'; your response will therefore be inserted before this line, not after. This is obvious when you're looking at the form, but if you've copied the form into a text editor it might be less obvious. Hence this note.)
Task: `q002.
You have a second disk, with root-folder file cal1_part_II.htm containing links
Disk 7
Disk 8
Disk 9
Disk 10
If all your disks work, indicate that they do. If you have trouble with any of them, or with these instructions, describe your problems in detail.
Your response (insert your response beginning in the next line; the next line is blank and doesn't include the #$... prompt):
Yes, all the disks work.
#$&* (your response should have gone on the line above this one)
Now highlight and copy your document, paste your copy into the box below.
Double-check to be sure you have accurately filled in the information at the beginning of this form.
Then click on Submit Form.
It is suggested that you save a copy of your document as a backup.
When you submit this document you will have complete Orientation Step 5. Your next activity will be Orientation Step 6.
Very good.