Phy 201
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I am having a lot of trouble getting the grid to print for the torque experiment. i got it to work for the vectors, but this time its just not working at all. Is there a picture file you could send me over email or something. I keep getting it to print, but its much smaller then 1cm and not even at all. As in two blocks are close to 1cm. What do you suggest i do?
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I don't think anyone has mentioned this problem before, so it's proably something unique to your setup. However I can't help you much with that, since every setup is unique.
There are a couple of easy alternatives.
If you search the web for 'graph paper' you should be able to easily find a grid that works for you.
OK, I just checked the grids link and I'm experiencing the same problems you report. Something has changed, but I don't have administrator privileges with our web servers and wouldn't know where to start if I did.
I searched for 'graph paper' and the very first link reported was
I navigated in a fairly obvious way to the link
which will generate a PDF with square grids. You can specify the number of lines per inch or per centimeter (1 per cm should give you what you need).
I've emailed you a copy of what I believe is the 1-cm square grid, in PDF format.
Thanks for pointing this out.