course Mth 163 徽嶔艎蔥裎S堢求~xm唋撸师喲鯯tudent Name:
22:07:08 `q001. Note that this assignment has 2 questions For the function y = 1.1 x + .8, what are the coordinates of the x = x1 point, in terms of the symbol x1? What are the coordinates of the x = x2 point, in terms of the symbol x2? What therefore is the rise between these two points, and what is the run? What is the average slope of the graph between these two points? Be sure to simplify your result.
RESPONSE --> x=x1 y=f(x1) (x1, f(x1)) x=x2 y=f(x2) (x2, f(x2)) rise x2-x1 run f(x2)-f(x1) slope (f(x2)-f(x1))/(x2-x1)
22:11:39 In terms of the symbol x1 the coordinates of the x = x1 point are ( x1, 1.1 x1 + .8) and the coordinates of the x = x2 point are ( x2, 1.1 x2 + .8). The rise between the two points is therefore rise = (1.1 x2 + .8) - (1.1 x1 + .8) = 1.1 x2 + .8 - 1.1 x1 - .8 = 1.1 x2 - 1.1 x1. The run is run = x2 - x1. The slope is therefore (1.1 x2 - 1.1 x1) / (x2 - x1) = 1.1 (x2 - x1) / (x2 - x1) = 1.1.
RESPONSE --> i didnt plug in f(x1) in for the equation, i thought saying f(x1) would be the same as plugging it in without going through the work
22:28:59 `q002. For the function y = 3.4 x + 7, what are the coordinates of the x = x1 point, in terms of the symbol x1? What are the coordinates of the x = x2 point, in terms of the symbol x2? What therefore is the rise between these two points, and what is the run? What is the average slope of the graph between these two points? Be sure to simplify your result.
RESPONSE --> (x1,3.4x1+7) (x2,3.4x2+7) rise (3.4x2+7)-(3.4x1+7) = 3.4x-3.4x1 run (x2-x1) slope (3.4x2-3.4x1)/(x2-x1) 3.4(x2-x1)/(x2-x1) slope=3.4
22:29:03 In terms of the symbol x1 the coordinates of the x = x1 point are ( x1, 3.4 x1 + 7) and the coordinates of the x = x2 point are ( x2, 3.4 x2 + 7). The rise between the two points is therefore rise = (3.4 x2 + 7) - (3.4 x1 + 7) = 3.4 x2 + 7 - 3.4 x1 - 7 = 3.4 x2 - 3.4 x1. The run is run = x2 - x1. The slope is therefore (3.4 x2 - 3.4 x1) / (x2 - x1) = 3.4 (x2 - x1) / (x2 - x1) = 3.4.
鲰\�窅睅瀥犴蝸粽秞乜諁殐 Student Name: assignment #010
22:44:31 `q001. Note that this assignment has 10 questions Sketch the function y = x and describe your graph. Describe how the graphs of y = .5 x and y = 2 x compare with the graph of y = x.
RESPONSE --> y=x is a straight line with origin through the center y=.5x is a straight line with a less steep slope than y=x y=2x is a straight line with a larger slope of 2 it is steeper than y=x
22:45:14 The graph of y = x consists of a straight line through the origin, having slope 1. This line has basic points (0,0) and (1,1). The points of the graph of y = .5 x all lie twice as close to the x-axis as the points of the graph of y = x. The point (0,0) of the y = x graph is already on the x-axis, so the corresponding point on the graph of y = .5 x is also (0,0). The point (1,1) of the y = x graph lies 1 unit above the x-axis, so the corresponding point on the graph of y = .5 x will lie twice as close, or .5 units above the x-axis, so that the corresponding point is (1, .5). The graph of y = .5 x Thus passes through the points (0,0) and (1,.5). Of course this result could have been found by simply plugging 0 and 1 into the function y = .5 x, but the point here is to see that we can get the same result if we think of moving all points twice as close. This order thinking will be useful when dealing with more complex functions. Thinking along similar lines we expect the points of the graph of y = 2 x to all lie twice as far from the x-axis as the points of the function y = x. Thus the two basic points (0,0) and (1,1) of the y = x graph will correspond to the points (0,0) and (1,2) on the graph of y = 2 x.
22:47:12 `q002. If we were to sketch all the graphs of the form y = a x for which .5 < a < 2, what would our sketch look like?
RESPONSE --> The sketch would be a sequence of lines with varying slopes ranging from .5 to 2.
22:47:34 If a =.5 then our function is y = .5 x and the basic points will be (0,0) and (1,.5), as seen in the preceding problem. Similarly if a = 2 then our function is y = 2 x, with basic points (0,0) and (1,2). For .5 < a < 2, our functions will lie between the graphs of y = .5 x and y = 2 x. Since these two functions have slopes .5 and 2, the slopes of all the graphs will lie between .5 and 2. We could represent these functions by sketching dotted-line graphs of y = .5 x and y = 2 x (the dotted lines indicating that these graphs are not included in the family, because the < sign does not include equality). We could then sketch a series of several solid lines through the origin and lying between the two dotted-line graphs.
22:50:50 `q003. Describe how the graphs of y = x - 2 and y = x + 3 compare with the graph of y = x. If we were to sketch all graphs of the form y = x + c for -2 < x < 3, what would our graph look like?
RESPONSE --> y=x is a straight line with point at the origin y=x+3 is a straight line that is shifted up three units and shifted 3 units to the left y=x-2 is a straight line that is shifted two units down and two units to the right
22:52:27 The graph of y = x - 2 lies at every point 2 units below the corresponding point on the graph of y = x, so this graph is parallel to the graph of y = x and 2 units lower. Similarly the graph of y = x + 3 lies parallel to the graph of y = x and 3 units higher. To sketch the family y = x + c for -2 < x < 3, we first can draw dotted-line graphs of y = x - 2 and y = x + 3, then a series of several solid line graphs, all parallel to the graph of y = x, lying between the two dotted-line graphs. STUDENT COMMENT: I got a little confused with y = x + c part, but I understand the first part completely. ** The instructions said to sketch all graphs of the form y = x + c for -2 < x < 3. So for example c could be -1, 0, 1 or 2, giving us the functions y = x - 1, y = x, y = x + 1 andy x+ 2. c could also be -1.9, or .432, or 2.9, giving us functions y = x - 1.9, y = x + .432, y = x + 2.9. c can be any number between -2 and 3. These graphs are as described in the given solution. **
RESPONSE --> i forgot to plug in the second part i understand it is a series of parallel lines between -2 and 3
22:55:52 `q004. Describe how the graph of y = 2 x compares with the graph of y = x. Describe how the graph of y = 2 x - 2 compares with the graph of y = 2 x.
RESPONSE --> y=2x goes throught the origin like y=x points are (1,2) (2,4) y=2x-2 is shifted 2 units down and 1 unit to the right from the graph y=2x
22:56:00 The graph of y = 2 x lies at every point twice as far the x-axis as that of y = x. This graph passes through the points (0,0) and (1, 2), i.e., passing through the origin with slope 2. The graph of y = 2x - 2 will lie 2 units below the graph of y = 2 x. This graph will therefore have a slope of 2 and will pass-through the y axis at (0, -2).
22:56:36 `q005. Suppose we graph y = 2 x + c for all values of c for which -2 < c < 3. What with our graph look like?
RESPONSE --> the graph would look like the y=2x graph with the same slope just shifted down and to the right
22:56:47 Each graph will lie c units vertically from the graph of y = 2 x, therefore having slope 2 the passing through the y-axis at the point (0, c). The family of functions defined by y = 2 x + c will therefore consist of a series of straight lines each with slope 2, passing through the y-axis between (0, -2) and (0, 3).
22:59:34 `q006. Sketch two points, not particularly close to one another, with one point in the second quadrant and the other in the first, with clearly different y values. Label the first point (x1, y1) and the second (x2, y2). Draw a straight line passing through both of these points and extending significantly beyond both. In terms of the symbols x1, x2, y1, and y2, what is slope of this straight line?
RESPONSE --> slope would be (x2-x1)/(y2-y1) or the points i chose was (-1,2) and (3,0) so slope is 4/-2 which is -2
22:59:59 The rise of a line is from y = y1 to y = y2, a rise of y2-y1. The run is similarly found to be x2-x1. The slope is therefore slope = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1).
23:01:52 `q007. On the sketch you made for the preceding problem, and add a point (x, y) on your straight line but not between the two points already labeled, and not too close to either. What is the slope from (x1, y1) to (x, y)?
RESPONSE --> (y-y1)/(x-x1)
23:01:58 The slope from (x1, y1) to (x, y) is slope = rise/run = (y - y1) / (x - x1).
23:04:53 `q008. Should the slope from (x1, y1) to (x, y) be greater than, equal to or less than the slope from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2)?
RESPONSE --> My slope came to be greater than the slope from (x1,y1)(x2y2)
23:05:30 The slope between any two points of a straight line must be the same. The two slopes must therefore be equal.
RESPONSE --> I must have calculated wrong because my two slopes were -1/2 and 1/2 so i figured the slope must be greater
23:07:06 `q009. The slope from (x1, y1) to (x, y) is equal to the slope from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2). If you set the expressions you obtained earlier for the slopes equal to one another, what equation do you get?
RESPONSE --> y2-y1 / x2-x1 = y-y1 / x-x1
23:07:17 The slopes are (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) and (y - y1) / (x - x1). Setting the two slopes equal we obtain the equation (y - y1) / (x - x1) = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1).
23:10:31 `q010. Setting the two slopes equal you should have obtained (y - y1)/(x - x1) = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1). Solve this equation for y.
RESPONSE --> I cannot figure out how to solve this equation for y. i have tried cross multiplying and pulling y out of the equation and i got nowhere
23:13:04 Starting with (y - y1) / (x - x1) = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1), we wish to isolate y on the left-hand side. We therefore begin by multiplying both sides by (x - x1) to obtain (y - y1) = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) * (x - x1). We could then add y1 to both sides to obtain y = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) * (x - x1) + y1.
RESPONSE --> I isolated y and multiplied the x-x1 but could not figure out what to do with the -y1 on the left side. i now understand you can add it to the other side to solve for y
course Mth 163 徽嶔艎蔥裎S堢求~xm唋撸师喲鯯tudent Name:
22:07:08 `q001. Note that this assignment has 2 questions For the function y = 1.1 x + .8, what are the coordinates of the x = x1 point, in terms of the symbol x1? What are the coordinates of the x = x2 point, in terms of the symbol x2? What therefore is the rise between these two points, and what is the run? What is the average slope of the graph between these two points? Be sure to simplify your result.
RESPONSE --> x=x1 y=f(x1) (x1, f(x1)) x=x2 y=f(x2) (x2, f(x2)) rise x2-x1 run f(x2)-f(x1) slope (f(x2)-f(x1))/(x2-x1)
22:11:39 In terms of the symbol x1 the coordinates of the x = x1 point are ( x1, 1.1 x1 + .8) and the coordinates of the x = x2 point are ( x2, 1.1 x2 + .8). The rise between the two points is therefore rise = (1.1 x2 + .8) - (1.1 x1 + .8) = 1.1 x2 + .8 - 1.1 x1 - .8 = 1.1 x2 - 1.1 x1. The run is run = x2 - x1. The slope is therefore (1.1 x2 - 1.1 x1) / (x2 - x1) = 1.1 (x2 - x1) / (x2 - x1) = 1.1.
RESPONSE --> i didnt plug in f(x1) in for the equation, i thought saying f(x1) would be the same as plugging it in without going through the work
22:28:59 `q002. For the function y = 3.4 x + 7, what are the coordinates of the x = x1 point, in terms of the symbol x1? What are the coordinates of the x = x2 point, in terms of the symbol x2? What therefore is the rise between these two points, and what is the run? What is the average slope of the graph between these two points? Be sure to simplify your result.
RESPONSE --> (x1,3.4x1+7) (x2,3.4x2+7) rise (3.4x2+7)-(3.4x1+7) = 3.4x-3.4x1 run (x2-x1) slope (3.4x2-3.4x1)/(x2-x1) 3.4(x2-x1)/(x2-x1) slope=3.4
22:29:03 In terms of the symbol x1 the coordinates of the x = x1 point are ( x1, 3.4 x1 + 7) and the coordinates of the x = x2 point are ( x2, 3.4 x2 + 7). The rise between the two points is therefore rise = (3.4 x2 + 7) - (3.4 x1 + 7) = 3.4 x2 + 7 - 3.4 x1 - 7 = 3.4 x2 - 3.4 x1. The run is run = x2 - x1. The slope is therefore (3.4 x2 - 3.4 x1) / (x2 - x1) = 3.4 (x2 - x1) / (x2 - x1) = 3.4.
鲰\�窅睅瀥犴蝸粽秞乜諁殐 Student Name: assignment #010
22:44:31 `q001. Note that this assignment has 10 questions Sketch the function y = x and describe your graph. Describe how the graphs of y = .5 x and y = 2 x compare with the graph of y = x.
RESPONSE --> y=x is a straight line with origin through the center y=.5x is a straight line with a less steep slope than y=x y=2x is a straight line with a larger slope of 2 it is steeper than y=x
22:45:14 The graph of y = x consists of a straight line through the origin, having slope 1. This line has basic points (0,0) and (1,1). The points of the graph of y = .5 x all lie twice as close to the x-axis as the points of the graph of y = x. The point (0,0) of the y = x graph is already on the x-axis, so the corresponding point on the graph of y = .5 x is also (0,0). The point (1,1) of the y = x graph lies 1 unit above the x-axis, so the corresponding point on the graph of y = .5 x will lie twice as close, or .5 units above the x-axis, so that the corresponding point is (1, .5). The graph of y = .5 x Thus passes through the points (0,0) and (1,.5). Of course this result could have been found by simply plugging 0 and 1 into the function y = .5 x, but the point here is to see that we can get the same result if we think of moving all points twice as close. This order thinking will be useful when dealing with more complex functions. Thinking along similar lines we expect the points of the graph of y = 2 x to all lie twice as far from the x-axis as the points of the function y = x. Thus the two basic points (0,0) and (1,1) of the y = x graph will correspond to the points (0,0) and (1,2) on the graph of y = 2 x.
22:47:12 `q002. If we were to sketch all the graphs of the form y = a x for which .5 < a < 2, what would our sketch look like?
RESPONSE --> The sketch would be a sequence of lines with varying slopes ranging from .5 to 2.
22:47:34 If a =.5 then our function is y = .5 x and the basic points will be (0,0) and (1,.5), as seen in the preceding problem. Similarly if a = 2 then our function is y = 2 x, with basic points (0,0) and (1,2). For .5 < a < 2, our functions will lie between the graphs of y = .5 x and y = 2 x. Since these two functions have slopes .5 and 2, the slopes of all the graphs will lie between .5 and 2. We could represent these functions by sketching dotted-line graphs of y = .5 x and y = 2 x (the dotted lines indicating that these graphs are not included in the family, because the < sign does not include equality). We could then sketch a series of several solid lines through the origin and lying between the two dotted-line graphs.
22:50:50 `q003. Describe how the graphs of y = x - 2 and y = x + 3 compare with the graph of y = x. If we were to sketch all graphs of the form y = x + c for -2 < x < 3, what would our graph look like?
RESPONSE --> y=x is a straight line with point at the origin y=x+3 is a straight line that is shifted up three units and shifted 3 units to the left y=x-2 is a straight line that is shifted two units down and two units to the right
22:52:27 The graph of y = x - 2 lies at every point 2 units below the corresponding point on the graph of y = x, so this graph is parallel to the graph of y = x and 2 units lower. Similarly the graph of y = x + 3 lies parallel to the graph of y = x and 3 units higher. To sketch the family y = x + c for -2 < x < 3, we first can draw dotted-line graphs of y = x - 2 and y = x + 3, then a series of several solid line graphs, all parallel to the graph of y = x, lying between the two dotted-line graphs. STUDENT COMMENT: I got a little confused with y = x + c part, but I understand the first part completely. ** The instructions said to sketch all graphs of the form y = x + c for -2 < x < 3. So for example c could be -1, 0, 1 or 2, giving us the functions y = x - 1, y = x, y = x + 1 andy x+ 2. c could also be -1.9, or .432, or 2.9, giving us functions y = x - 1.9, y = x + .432, y = x + 2.9. c can be any number between -2 and 3. These graphs are as described in the given solution. **
RESPONSE --> i forgot to plug in the second part i understand it is a series of parallel lines between -2 and 3
22:55:52 `q004. Describe how the graph of y = 2 x compares with the graph of y = x. Describe how the graph of y = 2 x - 2 compares with the graph of y = 2 x.
RESPONSE --> y=2x goes throught the origin like y=x points are (1,2) (2,4) y=2x-2 is shifted 2 units down and 1 unit to the right from the graph y=2x
22:56:00 The graph of y = 2 x lies at every point twice as far the x-axis as that of y = x. This graph passes through the points (0,0) and (1, 2), i.e., passing through the origin with slope 2. The graph of y = 2x - 2 will lie 2 units below the graph of y = 2 x. This graph will therefore have a slope of 2 and will pass-through the y axis at (0, -2).
22:56:36 `q005. Suppose we graph y = 2 x + c for all values of c for which -2 < c < 3. What with our graph look like?
RESPONSE --> the graph would look like the y=2x graph with the same slope just shifted down and to the right
22:56:47 Each graph will lie c units vertically from the graph of y = 2 x, therefore having slope 2 the passing through the y-axis at the point (0, c). The family of functions defined by y = 2 x + c will therefore consist of a series of straight lines each with slope 2, passing through the y-axis between (0, -2) and (0, 3).
22:59:34 `q006. Sketch two points, not particularly close to one another, with one point in the second quadrant and the other in the first, with clearly different y values. Label the first point (x1, y1) and the second (x2, y2). Draw a straight line passing through both of these points and extending significantly beyond both. In terms of the symbols x1, x2, y1, and y2, what is slope of this straight line?
RESPONSE --> slope would be (x2-x1)/(y2-y1) or the points i chose was (-1,2) and (3,0) so slope is 4/-2 which is -2
22:59:59 The rise of a line is from y = y1 to y = y2, a rise of y2-y1. The run is similarly found to be x2-x1. The slope is therefore slope = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1).
23:01:52 `q007. On the sketch you made for the preceding problem, and add a point (x, y) on your straight line but not between the two points already labeled, and not too close to either. What is the slope from (x1, y1) to (x, y)?
RESPONSE --> (y-y1)/(x-x1)
23:01:58 The slope from (x1, y1) to (x, y) is slope = rise/run = (y - y1) / (x - x1).
23:04:53 `q008. Should the slope from (x1, y1) to (x, y) be greater than, equal to or less than the slope from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2)?
RESPONSE --> My slope came to be greater than the slope from (x1,y1)(x2y2)
23:05:30 The slope between any two points of a straight line must be the same. The two slopes must therefore be equal.
RESPONSE --> I must have calculated wrong because my two slopes were -1/2 and 1/2 so i figured the slope must be greater
23:07:06 `q009. The slope from (x1, y1) to (x, y) is equal to the slope from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2). If you set the expressions you obtained earlier for the slopes equal to one another, what equation do you get?
RESPONSE --> y2-y1 / x2-x1 = y-y1 / x-x1
23:07:17 The slopes are (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) and (y - y1) / (x - x1). Setting the two slopes equal we obtain the equation (y - y1) / (x - x1) = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1).
23:10:31 `q010. Setting the two slopes equal you should have obtained (y - y1)/(x - x1) = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1). Solve this equation for y.
RESPONSE --> I cannot figure out how to solve this equation for y. i have tried cross multiplying and pulling y out of the equation and i got nowhere
23:13:04 Starting with (y - y1) / (x - x1) = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1), we wish to isolate y on the left-hand side. We therefore begin by multiplying both sides by (x - x1) to obtain (y - y1) = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) * (x - x1). We could then add y1 to both sides to obtain y = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) * (x - x1) + y1.
RESPONSE --> I isolated y and multiplied the x-x1 but could not figure out what to do with the -y1 on the left side. i now understand you can add it to the other side to solve for y