Your work on pearl pendulum has been received. We will look at your data later in the context of the entire group's data on this experiment.
Most of your answers look good, though I'm not sure you included the timing of the repeated 'pings' of the pearl against the bracket.
I am so confused!!!!!!!!!!!!
When the bracket is sitting straight (not tilted) the pearl makes a lighter, more vibrating sound. The rhythm seems to be farther apart. When the bracket is tilted the pearl makes a harder, more constant sound.
The sounds get farther apart, the pearl strikes the bracket less frequent, and slower than before.
The surface I used was pretty level, the pearl barely touched the bracket when I set it up. When I swung the pearl and released it, it struck pretty steadily. When I held the pearl and released it, it struck the bracket 15 times before it came to a complete rest.
When the bracket is in the first position parallel to the sides of the book the pearl makes sounds that are closer together when release.
When the bracket is turned counterclockwise 45 degrees the pearl strikes the bracket and the sounds are further apart.
When turned counterclockwise another 45 degrees the pearl strikes the bracket and the sounds seem closer together.
When turned another 45 degrees and the pearl strikes the bracket the sounds again seem further apart.
The bracket in its original position seems to have the most regular sounds when it strikes against the bracket.
1 198.375 198.375
2 198.6719 .296875
3 206.0156 7.34375
4 206.3438 .328125
5 212.9375 6.59375
6 213.2813 .34375
7 228.5156 15.23438
8 228.8906 .375
9 239.6875 10.79688
10 240.0938 .40625
11 248.0625 7.96875
12 248.5625 .5
13 256.25 7.6875
14 256.5938 .34375
15 264.4531 7.859375
16 264.7813 .328125
.515, .5, .453, .562, .546
.15, .047, .109
The pearl was swinging in a straight downward motion.
The pearl was swinging upward again, after the first hit and swinging downward a little bit slower before hittingt he bracket again.
The motion between release and the second hit is moving in a little faster, constant motion that the motion between the second hit and the fouth because the pearl is slowing down between the second and the fourth hit.
The motion between the second and fourth hit is still a little faster than the motion between the fouth and sixth.
Because the pearl is striking faster the first time than the other times.
They would decrease because the pearl motions slower throughout.
The lenght of the pearl swing would depend on the lenght of the string. The shorter the string the pearl wouldn't have to travel as far and the longer the string the pearl would swing farther and therefore the time between the hits would be farther apart.