Phy 231
Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
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Is my work 'A' level?
Do you have any efficiency tips for assignments or labs?
I will be taking my quizzes CVCC Testing Center, will this be a problem?
Do I have to follow the outlined schedule for taking tests and quizzes? Can I take multiple assessments during one sitting?
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Professor Smith,
I apologize for the slip-ups I've had so far. It has been quite difficult to balance Physics, full time high school, Community College classes, and a 20 hour work week. I apologize for submitting assignments out of order (I'm prioritizing and trying to knock out the quickest assignments first, leaving labs and long assignments for later when I have time). My goal is to complete most, if not all 40 assignments for Phy 231 before the Summer Semester starts.
I would like to know what you think of my work so far, my goal is to have an 'A' in both Phy 231 and Phy 232. If you do not feel my work is at this level, please advise me on how I can get it up to proper standards.
If you have any tips or tricks on doing the assignments quicker or more efficiently I would truly appreciate it. It seems compressing 70 days worth of assignments into 20 days makes things slightly... accelerated.
I am going to use the Central Virginia Community College Testing Center to take my quizzes and tests. Please let me know if that is not okay. Can I take the tests and quizzes all at once, or should I take them as the schedule has outlined?
Thank you very much for your understanding and prompt responses. I have never had a professor with a turnaround time of less than 24 hours and it is absolutely fantastic! I apologize in advance for any more mistakes that occur (I will do my best to not let any more happen).
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Is my work 'A' level?
Do you have any efficiency tips for assignments or labs?
I will be taking my quizzes CVCC Testing Center, will this be a problem?
Do I have to follow the outlined schedule for taking tests and quizzes? Can I take multiple assessments during one sitting?
@& For the first 10 assignments, through the Major Quiz, it's advisable to respond to all questions. After that we'll have a baseline on your work, and judging from what I've seen so far I'll likely be comfortable allowing you to focus your attention on the more challenging problems, eliminating the busywork of answering questions you will probably find obvious. Similarly with the labs, it might be possible for you to speed up the process by investigating some more challenging aspects of our basic systems and answering a series consisting of fewer, though more challenging, questions. You appear to have the background and ability to do so.
You are working at a very good pace and your progress is impressive. It's too early to judge the grade level of your work. I don't see anything that would indicate that you're not doing A-level work at this point. It becomes possible to judge that with some reliability around Assignment 15, after you have completed the Major Quiz and a couple more chapters from the text.
I can't address grades any more specifically here or in email, but I can put a more specific note into the Blackboard gradebook. In fact I was about to do so just now, but there appears to be a problem with the Blackboard server. I'll try again in awhile, but if the note doesn't appear please repeat your request. The note will be in the gradebook of the Supervised Study Summer 2011 page, which should now appear when you log into Blackboard.
CVCC will be fine. If you haven't done so you should contact them and get the information necessary to submit the Proctor Information Form so I can contact them and be sure procedures are acceptable to them (this is very seldom a problem).
You can take multiple tests at a sitting.*@