MTH 152
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MTH 152
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Timer Experiment - Error
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I receive a notification that reads:
Component 'COMDLG32.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid.
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Which attempting to perform the experiment given at the provided URL, I received the aforementioned message, thus preventing me from concluding the experiment. What do you propose to resolve this?
This is addressed in the instructions for the program. Check the line that reads
If this doesn't work, follow the link COMDLG32 to access simple instructions for fixing the problem
As an alternative the computers in the Learning Lab will run the program.
MTH 152
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Extra Time?
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As previously stated around the campus website, the last day of Full and B session classes end the 7th. For now, I'm a bit pressed for time, but I'm close to finishing. If I need more time, will I have that option?
I can accept work through the 8th.
Don't count on me being able to give you extra time. The circumstances under which I can do so are very limited.