I would expect the rate of flow to decrease the as the water flows from the cylinder, unless the size of the hole is changed.
The pressure or the weight of the water pushing it out of the hole. The further down the less weight and pressure.
The bigger the hole in the cylinder the faster water surface would go down. The greater the diameter of the cylinder the slower the water surface would move. You could determine the velocity of the water surface by measuring the time it took to reach equal markers on the graduated cylinders. E.g. measuring how long it took every 10 ml. Then determine the rate.
Their is the force of the water pushing down on itself. The more water the faster the water would exit.
From the pictures one can see that the water is being pushed out further when the cylinder is nearly full. When half full the water is being pushed out about half as far, and when near empty the water is barely being pushed out of the cylinder. Depth seems to be changing at a slower and slower rate. This is evident by the amount of fluid coming out in the picture with the least amount of water in the cylinder. If less is coming out the depth is changing slower and slower.
The depth would be decreasing at a decreasing rate.
The horizontal distance decreases as time goes on.
It appears to be decreasing at a steady rate.
It appears to be decreasing at an decresing.
1 151.0156 151.0156 2 153.4063 2.390625 3 155.4688 2.0625 4 157.4688 2 5 159.4844 2.015625 6 161.6719 2.1875 7 164.5469 2.875 8 167.1875 2.640625 9 170.25 3.0625 10 173.625 3.375 11 178.1563 4.53125 12 184.2813 6.125 13 192.4219 8.140625
4.35 6.30 8.25 10.20 12.15 14.10 16.05 18.00 19.95 21.90 23.850, 8.14
2.40, 6.13 4.35, 4.53 6.30, 3.38 8.25, 3.06 10.20, 2.64 12.15, 2.88 14.10, 2.19 16.05, 2.02 18.00, 2.00 19.95, 2.06 21.90, 2.30 23.85, 0Yes, it supports my answers above. The depth is changing at a slower rate. The further down the depth got the slower the depth decreased.
The graph is decreasing at a decreasing rate. It starts off at steeper slope than it finishes.
To find the average velocity I divided the number of cm between each marker by the time it took to get to that marker. I divided the cm by the time in seconds. Starting with the least depth, the average velocity per time interval were as follows (all are in cm/s):
.295 .318 .430 .577 .637 .739 .677 .890 .965 .965 .947 .816The time intervals begin with the smallest depth first. They were obtained by taking the time interval and dividing it by two.
4.07 3.065 2.27 1.69 1.53 1.32 1.44 1.095 1.01 1.00 1.03 1.195.295, 4.07
.318, 3.07 .430, 2.27 .577, 1.69 .637, 1.53 .739, 1.32 .677, 1.44 .890, 1.095 .965, 1.01 .965, 1.00 .947, 1.03 .816, 1.195The graph is decreasing at a decreasing rate. This means that the velocity is increases clock time decreases.
acceleration is change in velocity divided by time. To solve this I subtracted the change in velocites between each marker and divided them by the time between the two. All are in cm/s^2.
.0028 .018 .032 .018 .019 .024 .074 .034 0 .009 .064 .344.07, .0028
3.065, .018 2.265, .032 1.69, .018 1.53, .019 1.32, .024 1.44, .074 1.095, .034 1.01, 0 1.0, .009 1.03, .064 1.195, .34It is a little difficult to tell from the data. I would say that the acceleration of the water surface is fairly constant from the data, but I think that the acceleration is decreasing.
13:04:16 01-29-2006