timer program

fn 8 Currently I do not have excel on my laptop. I'm going to install in the coming days. I opened the spreadsheet using word perfect. fn 9 You see 10 sets of numbers 1 27.48438 27.48438 2 27.76563 .28125 3 28.14063 .375 4 28.53125 .390625 5 28.85938 .328125 6 29.21875 .359375 7 30.09375 .875 8 30.4375 .34375 9 30.71875 .28125 10 31.125 .40625 fn 10 1 115.2344 115.2344 2 115.7031 .46875 3 116.2344 .53125 4 116.7031 .46875 5 117.1563 .453125 6 117.625 .46875 7 118.125 .5 8 118.5938 .46875 9 119.125 .53125 10 119.5781 .453125 11 120.0313 .453125 12 120.5313 .5 13 121.0469 .515625 14 121.5625 .515625 15 122.0625 .5 16 122.5781 .515625 17 122.9844 .40625 18 123.4375 .453125 19 123.9063 .46875 20 124.4063 .5 21 125.2656 .859375 22 125.6719 .40625 fn 11 115.2344-125.671=10.4375/21=0.497 is the average time intervals. I simply figured the total amount of time it took to click then divided it by the number of clicks. fn 12 .40625,2 .453125,4 .46875,5 .5,4 .515625,3 .53125,2 .859375,1 fn 13 How did you get 11 time intervals? I only see 10 in your data. Isn't the first click was the starting time? fn 14 It seems accurate to the one hundreth of a second. If the hundreth is the same the thousandth appears to be the same. It doesn't mean that the program is flawed. It is very usefull. It appears very accurate to the hundreds decimal place. That is more than accurate enough for this class. fn 15 The same thing as before. The program is accureate to the hundreth but probably not beyond that. fn 16

6.859375 8.515625 6.21875 7.453125 8.0625 9.125 9.4375 8.734375 9.5 11.46875 fn 17

fn 18 There could be several reasons. For one the fast clicks are more rythmic. There is also alot less time between the clicks and the timer would have to be precise up to the thousands of a second and higher. Wheras, the breaths are much slower and less likely to be as close in time. The timer would have to be less precise for the slower breaths. A good example would be measuring the difference between sprinters in the olympics where the difference between the gold and silver medal can be as little as a hundreth or a thousanth of a second as compared to a long distance runner where the distance between first and second could be a few seconds. fn 19 The second statement is more accurate. b. The TIMER program is capable of determining the time between two events accurately to within about .01 second. fn 20 timer lab event number,clock time,time interval 1 , 1309.75 , 1309.75 2 , 1316.609 , 6.859375 3 , 1325.125 , 8.515625 4 , 1331.344 , 6.21875