phy 201
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** Collaborative Labs_labelMessages.txt **
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You have completed the first series of collaborative labs.
In that series you developed some important skills with teamwork, collaboration and communication. By now you have also developed additional lab techniques and insights, as well as an expanded understanding of physics and the standard formulations of motion, energy, momentum, forces and other topics.
You now have a good idea of the function of each member of the team, the designer, the experimenter, the analyzer and the interpreter.
You are also familiar with the items in your lab materials package.
The second series of activities will be spread out over the remainder of the semester. The investigations in this series will be more substantial and extensive than those of the first series, though we will limit the scope to keep the workload reasonable.
Please give a brief statement of three proposals for the second series of investigations, relevant to the topics of the labs you have performed and/or the material covered so far in the course. It should be possible to conduct your proposed investigations using the materials in the lab package, and/or common items you can expect your team members to have.
Ball rolling from an inclined ramp of 15cm, onto an less steep inclined ramp of 30cm. How fast will a 100g ball be going at the end of the second ramp through calculation? Confirm calculations with experimentation.
Two ramps, one 30cm, the other 15cm, both have same rise. When facing each other, the 30cm ramp will hold a large steel ball, the 15cm will hold a smaller steel ball. When the balls are released how long will it take for each ball to reach the intersection. If the balls reach the intersection at the same time will the small steel ball move back up it’s ramp? If so, how far?
With a ramp set on the edge of a table with the maximum amount of dominoes from the kits placed under the far end, calculate how fast the ball will accelerate to, and calculate how far the ball will travel horizontally until it hits the ground. Follow-up with experiments to confirm calculations.
Discuss your first idea. How do you think it might be tested? What sort of items do you think might be required? How do you think your idea might be tested?
On a table place a 15cm ramp with 4 stacked dominos on one end and 2 stacked dominos in a “tetris” style T shape on the other. Place the 30cm ramp section onto the same tetris style T shape, but this ramp will only be on one of the dominos. Let the other end of the ramp rest on the table. If using the tetris T style stacked dominos this experiment can be done with 6 dominos. Alternatively, it can be done using 7 dominos.
Discuss your second idea. How do you think it might be tested? What sort of items do you think might be required? How do you think your idea might be tested?
Each ramp will have 2 dominos under the far ends. The connecting ends will be resting on a table. Placing the steel ball on their respective ramps, we release and observe. If one ball reaches the intersection before the other than the slope may be increased or the distance traveled can be decreased.
Discuss your third idea. How do you think it might be tested? What sort of items do you think might be required? How do you think your idea might be tested?
Place as many dominos as the kits included under the far end of the 30cm ramp. Release the ball and record several strikes on the paper placed on the floor just like on elf our previous experiments. This will be done after trying to calculate how far the ball will travel horizontally from the ramp to the floor.
Your instructor is trying to gauge the typical time spent by students on these activities. Please answer the following question as accurately as you can, understanding that your answer will be used only for the stated purpose and has no bearing on your grades:
• Approximately how long did it take you to complete this activity?
15 minutes
&#Your work looks good. Let me know if you have any questions. &#