class 4412


course phy 202

4/9 1:12 am

A battery was attached at both ends of a coil of wire. The direction of the current was determined. A compass was used to determine north, then the coil was placed on its side perpendicular to the north/south pole of the earth. The right hand rule was used to determine the positive direction of the magnet made by the coil which came out to be opposite that of the earth.Then we calculated the difference between the magnetic field of our wire coil and that of the earth.

The earths is about 10^-4 tesla


B=(10^-7tesla*m/amp(.1amp *.01m))/2.25*10^-4m^2=4.4*10^-7 tesla

2pi 1.5cm=9.4cm= length of 1 loop

4.4*10^-7 tesla *9.4cm=4.14 *10^-6tesla/loop

3000cm/9.4cm=319 loops* 4.14 *10^-6 tesla/loop=.0013 tesla



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