course phy 201
12/6/11 at 5:40 p.m.
You measured the length, width and thickness of a domino and found its volume. Insert a copy of your data here, along with any previously submitted work you wish to include:
The measurement of the domino was 4.9 cm x 2.4 cm x .8 cm.
What is the volume of the domino you measured?
4.9 cm x 2.4 cm x .8 cm gives us a volume of 9.408 cm^3.
What do you find to be the uncertainties in length, width and thickness?
The uncertainty seems to be about .5mm for all of these measurements.
What therefore are the percent uncertainties in length, width and thickness?
The uncertainty for the length is .5mm /(49mm)=.01 or 1%.
The uncertainty for the width is .5mm /(24mm)=.02 or 2%.
The uncertainty for the height is .5mm /(8mm)= .0625 or 6.25%.
Which measurement has the greatest percent uncertainty and why?
The height has the greatest percent of uncertainty at 6.25%, because it is the shortest of the three measurements used, and the uncertainty was the same, this made the percentage higher than the other two measurements.
What is the uncertainty in your calculated volume, based on percent uncertainties in your measurements of length, width and thickness?
1%+2%+ 6.25%=9.25%
&#Very good work on this lab exercise. Let me know if you have questions. &#