question form


phy 201

Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

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I took my exam last wednesday, and was just checking on my grade. I would also like to know how I stand (grade wise) right now, and what more I can do to improve my grade. I hope that you had a merry christmas.


I won't be able to get your exam until the college opens again on Tuesday. Email me then.

In the meantime make sure you've completed all the labs and responded on those for which I requested additional revision.



My Christmas was very good. I hope yours was as well. Happy New Year.


Task: `q011. You need not look at any more of the Blackboard page, but you are welcome to do so if you choose, and you may ask any questions you wish in your response. If you have no questions, or do not feel the need to further explore this page, just respond with 'ok' or something of that nature.

**** Your response (insert your response beginning in the next line; the next line is blank and doesn't include the #$... prompt):

On Task Number 9, The Instructions said to go to the page, and click on the blackboard link. Upon doing so, the blackboard course page comes up with a section dedicated to My Black Board Courses I am taking this semester. The ‘course’, entitled “Supervised Studying” is not available to be clicked on and as such I have no idea how to find it.

??? Will you Please explain why the “Supervised Studying” course is not available in BlackBoard? ???

#$&* (your response should have gone on the line above this one)


That course will be availabe when our tech support has created it, which should be sometime next week. It will appear when you log in, as soon as it becomes active, and you won't need it until then.



&#Good responses. See my notes and let me know if you have questions. &#