question form

phy 121

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I have a couple questions that have to do with the course in general not necessarily a problem or lab. My first question has to do with the upcoming Test 1 in your online physics 121 course. I was just wondering if there is date as to which this needs to be completed by. I am out of town doing some interviews this week in Pennsylvania. I had originally planned to take it this Friday July 9th but some of the interviews got changed around and I am going to be pushing it to make it home in time to take the test Friday. If it does have to be taken by Friday this is not a problem and I will make sure I get it done I just thought I would see if it was possible to take the test on Monday July 12th since there is not a date listed as to when it needs to be taken by. The next question I have is about getting a C in the class. I know you sent out an email that said that you were going to let us know what exactly we had to do to earn at least a C. When will we receive this information? The last question is do you use blackboard to list grades at all? Thank you

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There is flexibility in the date of the test. Monday the 12th would be OK.

Have you taken the Major Quiz? It would be possible to take both on the same day, if you and your proctor can schedule it that way.

I'll be sending out a message about administrative withdrawals. You are on schedule with your homework, and your submitted work is clearly authentic (not always the case with distance students, which often leads to disasters at test time) and good quality, so I'm not concerned about your ability to pass the Major Quiz and Test 1. Ordinarily I do an administrative withdrawal when no tests have been completed, and that message will say so, but I won't do that in your case.

After you have completed the test, if you haven't already received the information, we can revisit the question of making at least a C.