question form


Phy 232

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** Question Form_labelMessages **

Question for orientation ii b

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I do not understand what note you are talking about in the orientation ii b? Also on my form conformation I do not have the last task question about the disks instead I have task question number 3 which is asking about assumptions and sequencing?

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I understand that there is supposed to be a note somewhere in your graded orientation ii b but I do not see it. I do not understand why there is two different task 2 questions and why my form conformation differs from yours. In my form conformation I have 3 tasks but in your copy there is another task 2 that states ''Task: `q002.

If you have more than one disk, check the others in a similar manner.

If all your disks work, indicate that they do. If you have trouble with any of them, or with these instructions, describe your problems in detail.

your response &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&


(insert your response beginning in the next line; the next line is blank and doesn't include the #$... prompt):

The html file does not open in google chrome or firefox on my macbook pro. It says link not found on the page.

#$&* (your response should have gone on the line above this one)

*#&! ''. In my form conformation my task 3 was about assumptions and sequencing. I am just really confused.

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Orientation Part IIb is the document at the link

A4. Understanding learning_objectives

in the menu. That document does not address the disks.

The link

A5. Using your DVDs

addresses the disks.

The disks should not be addressed in two different documents. I've checked the page for Physics 232 and the two documents do seem to be separate.

Can you send me a copy of the form confirmation that includes reference to disks in one document?

In any case the links to the two correct documents are

