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How far and through what angle did the block displace on a single trial, with rubber band tension equal to the weight of two dominoes?
4.8, 1
5 trials, distance in cm then rotation in degrees, with rubber band tension equal to the weight of two dominoes:
2.0, 0
2.15, 0
2.0, 0
2.0, 0
2.05, 0
Rubber band lengths resulting in 5 cm, 10 cm and 15 cm slides:
7.2, 7.5, 7.9
5 trials, distance in cm then rotation in degrees, with rubber band tension equal to the weight of four dominoes:
4.4, 0
5.1, 20
3.8, 15
4.9, 15
5.0, 20
5 trials, distance in cm then rotation in degrees, with rubber band tension equal to the weight of six dominoes:
14.4, 20
11.1, 10
12.9, 10
12.2, 0
11.1, 20
5 trials, distance in cm then rotation in degrees, with rubber band tension equal to the weight of eight dominoes:
10.4, 5
13.2, 10
11.6, 10
13.0, 10
13.6, 20
5 trials, distance in cm then rotation in degrees, with rubber band tension equal to the weight of ten dominoes:
14.3, 20
19.2, 10
19.2, 15
20.2, 12
24.7, 1
Rubber band length, the number of dominoes supported at this length, the mean and the standard deviation of the sliding distance in cm, and the energy associated with the stretch, for each set of 5 trials:
7.2, 2, 2.04, .06519, .0285
7.6, 4, 4.64, .5413, .2375
7.8, 6, 12.34, 1.383, .4515
7.9, 8, 12.36, 1.329, .676
8.1, 10, 19.52, 3.699, 1.05
Above is reported the length of the rubber band, the number of dominoes supported at this length, the mean and the standard deviation of the sliding distance in cm, and the energy associated with the stretch in N*cm.
Slope and vertical intercept of straight-line approximation to sliding distance vs. energy, units of slope and vertical intercept, description of the graph and closeness to line, any indication of curvature:
17, 1.8
The first number above is the slope in N*cm, and the second number is the vertical intercept in cm.
The points lie somwhat along the line, but more points are needed to verify the graph should be a line rather than a curve.
Lengths of first and second rubber band for (first-band) tensions supporting 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 dominoes:
9.1416, 3.053
The first number above is the slope in N*cm, and the second number is the vertical intercept in cm.
These points are close to the best fit line. More points would show whether they truely form a nearly straight line or a curve.
Mean sliding distance and std dev for each set of 5 trials, using 2 rubber bands in series:
7.2, 7.2
7.6, 7.7
7.8, 7.7
7.9, 7.9
8.1, 8.1
Slope and vertical intercept of straight-line approximation to sliding distance vs. energy, units of slope and vertical intercept, description of the graph and closeness to line, any indication of curvature:
2.24, .1342
8.62, .7529
11.98, 1.182
15.32, 1.132
21.78, 1.827
1-band sliding distance and 2-band sliding distance for each tension:
2.04, 2.24
4.64, 8.62
12.34, 11.98
12.36, 15.32
19.52, 21.78
Slope and vertical intercept of straight-line approximation to 2-band sliding distance vs. 1-band sliding distance, units of slope and vertical intercept, description of the graph and closeness to line, any indication of curvature:
1.016, 1.6447
The first number above is the slope in N*cm, and the second number is the vertical intercept in cm.
The points are scattered along the line. A curve isn't necessarily indicated, but more points are needed to verify the graph should be a line rather than a curve.
Discussion of two hypotheses: 1. The sliding distance is directly proportional to the amount of energy required to stretch the rubber band. 2. If two rubber bands are used the sliding distance is determined by the total amount of energy required to stretch them.
A graph with a straight line which ascends as distance and energy ascends would indicate that the sliding distance is directly proportional to the amount of energy required to stretch the rubber band. The fact that my graph was linear supports this hypothesis, but further testing would be needed.
How long did it take you to complete this experiment?
a really long time, as with all of these labs
Optional additional comments and/or questions:
You have good results and appear to understand these concepts well.