Neutron Star question

course Phy 201

I have been studying for the final test, but I'm not sure how to approach the neutron star questions (1 regaurding walking up an incline, the other regaurding orbiting the star). The acceleration/force of gravity isn't given.

I believe you have the mass and radius of the star. The force on a mass m on the surface of the star is G M m / r^2, where M is the mass of the star and m the mass of the person or object on the surface (hypothetically).

Let me know if this doesn't help.

Neutron Star question

course Phy 201

I have been studying for the final test, but I'm not sure how to approach the neutron star questions (1 regaurding walking up an incline, the other regaurding orbiting the star). The acceleration/force of gravity isn't given.

I believe you have the mass and radius of the star. The force on a mass m on the surface of the star is G M m / r^2, where M is the mass of the star and m the mass of the person or object on the surface (hypothetically).

Let me know if this doesn't help.