course Phy 202 ?????????|???assignment #016016. `query 6
00:37:42 query introset change in pressure from diameter change given original vel and diameter
RESPONSE --> Find new velocity. v1A1 = v2A2 Find change in .5 rho v^2 .5 rho2 v2^2 - .5 rho1 v1^2 This change equals the `dP
00:37:55 ** The ratio of velocities is the inverse ratio of cross-sectional areas. Cross-sectional area is proportional to square of diameter. So velocity is inversely proportional to cross-sectional area: v2 / v1 = (A1 / A2) = (d1 / d2)^2 so v2 = (d1/d2)^2 * v1. Since h presumably remains constant we have P1 + .5 rho v1^2 = P2 + .5 rho v2^2 so (P2 - P1) = 0.5 *rho (v1^2 - v2^2) . **
00:52:27 query video experiment 4 terminal velocity of sphere in fluid. What is the evidence from this experiment that the drag force increases with velocity?
RESPONSE --> I'm confused about which experiment you are reffering to
00:52:53 ** When weights were repetitively added the velocity of the sphere repetively increased. As the velocities started to aproach 0.1254 m/sec the added weights had less and less effect on increasing the velocity. We conclude that as the velocity increased so did the drag force of the water. **