timer program

Your 'timer program' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

** Your General Comment **

** Describe what you see on your first 10 clicks **

Each time I click the Click to Time Event button there is a table that appears that looks like this:

1 13.6875 13.6875

2 14.625 .9375

3 15.20313 .578125

4 15.75 .546875

5 16.26563 .515625

6 16.90625 .640625

7 17.4375 .53125

8 17.92188 .484375

9 18.45313 .53125

10 18.95313 .5

** Your TIMER data from 20 fast clicks **

1 387.2813 387.2813

2 387.4531 .171875

3 387.7344 .28125

4 387.9375 .203125

5 388.0781 .140625

6 388.7813 .703125

7 388.9844 .203125

8 389.2188 .234375

9 389.3906 .171875

10 389.5469 .15625

11 389.7188 .171875

12 389.8281 .109375

13 390 .171875

14 390.1719 .171875

15 390.375 .203125

16 390.7344 .359375

17 390.8906 .15625

18 391.0313 .140625

19 391.2188 .1875

20 391.4063 .1875

21 391.5781 .171875

22 391.7656 .1875

23 391.9531 .1875

24 392.1406 .1875

25 392.3281 .1875

26 392.5156 .1875

27 392.6875 .171875

28 392.8594 .171875

29 393.0313 .171875

30 393.2031 .171875

31 393.6875 .484375

32 393.8906 .203125

33 394.0625 .171875

34 394.3281 .265625

35 394.5156 .1875

36 394.7031 .1875

37 394.8906 .1875

38 395.0781 .1875

39 395.3594 .28125

40 395.5156 .15625

41 395.6875 .171875

42 395.8438 .15625

43 396.125 .28125

44 396.3125 .1875

45 396.5469 .234375

46 396.7656 .21875

47 396.9844 .21875

48 397.1875 .203125

49 397.375 .1875

50 397.5625 .1875

51 397.7344 .171875

52 397.9375 .203125

53 398.1406 .203125

54 398.3438 .203125

55 398.5 .15625

56 398.6875 .1875

57 398.875 .1875

58 399.1719 .296875

59 399.4063 .234375

60 399.5938 .1875

61 399.7969 .203125

62 399.9688 .171875

63 400.1563 .1875

64 400.3125 .15625

65 400.4844 .171875

** Your average time interval for 20 time intervals **


I added the first 20 intervals and divided by 20.

** Your frequency distribution for the 20 time intervals (interval, number of times it was observed) **

.171875, 6

.28125, 1

.203125, 3

.140625, 2

.703125, 1

.234375, 1

.15625, 2

.109375, 1

.359375, 1

.1875, 2

** Your general comment to this point **

What does each column of numbers stand for, and what does the number in the top white box mean?

** Why did you observe only certain time intervals? **

This does not at all mean that the TIMER program is flawed or useless. I would conclude that the TIMER program reports this times most frequently because when is trying to click the mouse as fast as he/she can the program can not possibly register each individual click. Therefore, three or four fast clicks results in a single time. When considering this flaw into our calculations, we must also calculate a degree of percent error.

** What did you see when you looked at the differences between time successive time intervals? **

With the exception of a couple of intervals, there is not much of a difference from one time interval to the next which can mean one of two things. Either the TIMER program is really good at measuring the consistency of human coordination in clicking the mouse, or we are clicking so fast that it cannot possibly measure each click as accurately as we would like for it to. The most likely possibility is the latter of the two solutions mentioned.

** Your time intervals for 7 complete breaths: **











** Your general comment to this point: **

** Why did you rarely, if ever, observe that same time interval twice? **

Because the computer is not trying to interpret large amount of input data from multiple fast mouse clicks, it is instead interpreting individual clicks over spaced intervals of time which results in more accurate data.

** Do you think this program is accurate to .1 or .01 ... **

I think statement A is the most accurate. If you run this TIMER program using in your own opinion what you consider to be fast, medium, and slow clicking patterns, as the speed of the click increases the less accurate the results become. Therefore, because .1 is the largest of the accuracy rates we can choose from I chose that one.

** Copy of a few lines of your spreadsheet from the TIMER program. **

TIMER Program Breathing Data

event number clock time time interval

1 3016.969 3016.969

2 3022.563 5.59375

3 3027.797 5.234375

4 3034.141 6.34375

5 3039.078 4.9375

6 3044.813 5.734375

7 3050.156 5.34375

8 3055.016 4.859375

9 3060.766 5.75

10 3065.969 5.203125

11 3073.156 7.1875

** **

It took me approximately 35 minutes to complete this experiment.

** **


Your work looks good. Let me know if you have any questions. &#