brief ruler exp


course phy 201

6/11 11:35pm

Which is longer, one cm_d or one cm_s?****

One cm_s


Which is longer, one cm_s or two cm_t?


One cm_s


It is likely that your answers to the following will be in the form of decimal numbers. Give your results to three significant figures:

How many cm_t make a cm?


3.5 cm_t


How many cm_t would a measurement of 3 cm be?


3*3.5=10.5 cm_t


How many cm would a measurement of 13 cm_t be?


3.7 cm


Does it depend on where on the ruler the measurement is made?


Im sure it does taking distortion into account.


How many cm_s make a cm_t?


There are 2.5 cm_t in 1 cm_s

.4 cm_s make a cm_t


How many cm_s would a measurement of 5 cm_d be?


3.2 cm_s


How many cm_d would a measurement of 11 cm_t be?


7.4 cm_d


Does it depend on where on the ruler the measurement is made?


Yes, mostly because of distortion


Now answer the following questions about significant figures, including a brief but concise explanation.

Do you think all the significant figures in your result are appropriate? Explain.


I think I might have done the significant figures correct for this, but I don’t think the answers are 100% correct due to distortion and my judgement errors.


To how many significant figures are you pretty sure you could answer these questions. Explain.


2 significant figures, at times on the more clear areas of a ruler possibly 3


What is the smallest number of significant figures for which the last figure would be completely meaningless? Explain


1 significant figure. If I answered each question to one significant figures it would be incorrect because some answers may be 2.2, 2.5, and 2.6 if I rounded up or down for each answer, it would take these completely different values the same.



&#Good responses. Let me know if you have questions. &#