timer program

Your 'timer program' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

Note that you need to include your name and email address with your submissions.

Your General Comment

Describe what you see on your first 10 clicks

I see three columns of numbers. The first column has the number of times I have clicked the button, the second number shows how long the application has been opened, and the third number shows the amount of time since the last time I clicked the button.

Your TIMER data from 20 fast clicks

1 213.4531 213.4531

2 213.5625 .109375

3 213.6875 .125

4 213.8125 .125

5 213.9375 .125

6 214.0625 .125

7 214.1875 .125

8 214.4063 .21875

9 214.5313 .125

10 214.6563 .125

11 214.7813 .125

12 214.8906 .109375

13 215.0156 .125

14 215.125 .109375

15 215.2656 .140625

16 215.3906 .125

17 215.5469 .15625

18 215.6875 .140625

19 215.8125 .125

20 215.9219 .109375

21 216.0313 .109375

22 216.2813 .25

23 216.4219 .140625

24 216.5469 .125

25 216.6875 .140625

26 216.8438 .15625

Your average time interval for 20 time intervals


I added the first 20 numbers together and then divided by 20

Your frequency distribution for the 20 time intervals (interval, number of times it was observed)

.109, 5

.125, 11

.218, 1

.140, 2

.156, 1

Your general comment to this point

Why did you observe only certain time intervals?

This means that the timer counts by a certain interval rather than by 0.000001

What did you see when you looked at the differences between time successive time intervals?

the timer always ends with 0.00563, 0.00125, or 0.00625

Your time intervals for 7 complete breaths:











Your general comment to this point:

Why did you rarely, if ever, observe that same time interval twice?

We would expect this because with a larger time interval, the accuracy is in found in seconds and milliseconds rather than in hundredths of a seconds.

Do you think this program is accurate to .1 or .01 ...

I would choose answer choice b because the timer is able to report variables to 4 places before the decimal, but as we have just seen, these final few places before the decimal are not very accurate.

Copy of a few lines of your spreadsheet from the TIMER program.


event number clock time time interval

1 2525.422 2525.422

2 2530.875 5.453125

3 2537.344 6.46875

4 2545.047 7.703125

5 2552.344 7.296875

6 2559.844 7.5

7 2569.578 9.734375

8 2580.391 10.8125

9 2591.406 11.01563

10 2604.047 12.64063

11 2615.797 11.75

12 2630.547 14.75

1 hour because had trouble starting the timer file.

Very good work.