course Mth 174 As I stated in my response, I did not understand what was being asked for in the added problem (old 11.7.10). The book gives examples using graphs of dP/dt v. t, but not dP/dt / P v. t. ??????E??Y??]?????assignment #020020. `query 20
20:10:45 Query problem 11.7.6 plot (dP/dt) / P vs. t, where P is a solution to 1000 / P dP/dt = 100 - P with initial population P = 0.{}{}Can P(t) ever exceed 200?{}{}Can P(t) ever drop below 100?
RESPONSE --> 1000/P dP/dt = 100 - P dP/dt = (P/1000)*(100-P) dP/dt = 0.1P*[(100-P)/100] Therefore, L = 100; k = 0.1 P(0) = 200 A = (L - P(0))/P(0) = (100 200)/200 = -1/2 P = L/(1+Ae^(-kt) = 100/[1-(1/2)e^(-0.1t) Graphing this function with P(0) = 200 results in a curve that is concave up,at t=0 intercepts the y-axis (P) at P=200, and has L=100 as a horizontal asymptote. Therefore, P cannot be greater than 200 or less than 100.
10:52:14 Query problem THIS PROBLEM DOES NOT EXIST IN THE NEW EDITION 11.7.10 plot (dP/dt) / P vs. t for given population data and estimate a and b for 1 / P dP/dt = a - bt; solve and sketch soln. sample pop: 1800 5.3, 1850 23.1, 1900 76, 1950 150, 1990 248.7
10:54:48 what are your values of a and b?
RESPONSE --> I don't understand what this question is asking for. I plotted P v. t, and I used the calculator to fit a logistic equation to this data: P = 469.245/[1+46.432e^(-0.021t)] But this is as far as I got. The items requested in the question don't match what's in the text.
10:55:00 What are the coordinates of your graph points corresponding to years 1800, 1850, 1900, 1950 and 1990?
RESPONSE --> See previous response.
10:55:09 According to your model when will the U.S. population be a maximum, if ever?
RESPONSE --> See previous response.
10:55:17 Give your solution to the differential equation and describe your sketch of the solution.
RESPONSE --> See previous response.
10:57:01 Query problem 11.7.14 (was 10.7.18) dP/dt = P^2 - 6 P
11:03:37 describe your graph of dP/dt vs. P, P>0
RESPONSE --> dP/dt on y-axis, P on x-axis Graph is a portion of a parabola. From (0,0) graph is decreasing and concave up with a minimum at (3,-9), then increasing, passing (6,0) and continuing to increase without bound.
11:20:55 describe the approximate shape of the solution curve for the differential equation, and describe how you used your previous graph to determine the shape; describe in particular how you determined where P was increasing and where decreasing, and where it was concave of where concave down
RESPONSE --> For P(0)=5: I plotted a portion of the slope field from the the previous graph to determine the shape of the solution curve, beginning with slope = -5 for Pzero=5. Since the slopes are all negative from P = 5 to P = 0, with increasingly negative slopes until P = 3 (slope -9), and then decreasingly negative slopes to P = 0, P decreases towards 0 as a limit (where the slope is 0). The curve is concave down from t = 0 until P reaches 3, which occurs at t = 0.5 (approx.) (this point corresponds the the minimum of (3,-9) on the dP/dt v. P curve--slope of P'=0). The curve is then concave up as t increases without limit and the curve approaches P = 0. For P(0)=8, the slope of the curve is positive and rapidly increasing, thus P increases without bound as t>>infinity. The curve is concave up throughout, since dP/dt is increasing without bound as P increases. ** dP/dt = P^2 - 6 P is a quadratic function a P^2 + b P + c of P, with a = 1 and b = -6. The function opens upward, with its vertex at P = -b / (2a) = -(-6) / (2 * 1) = 3. At this point P^2 - 6 P = 9 - 18 = -9. The graph has zeros where P^2 - 6 P = 0, or P(P-6) = 0. The zeros are therefore at P = 0 and P = 6. Thus between P = 0 and P = 6 the value of dP/dt = P^2 - 6 P is negative. dP/dt = 0 at P =0 and at P = 6 and reaches its minimum at P = 3. If P(0) = 5 then dP/dt = 5^2 - 6 * 5 = -5 so the population initially decreases. As P decreases it comes closer to P = 3, at which value dP/dt is minimized so that the rate of decrease is greatest, so the P vs. t curve will become steeper and steeper in the downward direction. Up to the P = 3 point the graph of P vs. t will therefore be concave downard. After P decreases to less than 3 the values of dP/dt begin to increase toward 0, however still remaining negative. The graph of P vs. t will become concave upward, with P approaching zero for large t. If P(0) = 8 then dP/dt = 8^2 - 6 * 8 = 16 so the population initially increases. As P increases dP/dt also increases rate of increase is increasing, so the P vs. t curve will become steeper and steeper in the upward direction. The graph of P vs. t will therefore remain concave upward. The graph of P vs. t therefore continues to increase at an increasing rate, exceeding all bounds as t -> infinity. ** *&*& p integral is 1/6 (ln( (p-6) / p) *&*& ** This equation is of the form dP/dt = k P (1 - P / L): P^2 - 6 P = P ( P - 6) = -P(6 - P) = -6 P ( 1 - P/6). So the right-hand side has form k P ( 1 - P / L) with k = -6 and L = 6. You should know how to derive the solution to dP/dt = k P (1 - P / L), which is P = L / (1 + A e^(-k t) ) with A = (L - P0) / P0. The solution in this case has A = (6 - P0) / P0. For P0 = 5 we have A = 1/5 and P = 6 / (1 + 1/5 e^(-(-6) * t) ) = 6 / (1 + 1/5 e^(6 t) ). The denominator increases without bound as t -> infinity, so that P approaches zero as t increases. **
11:43:16 describe how the nature of the solution changes around P = 6 and explain the meaning of the term 'threshold population'.
RESPONSE --> If P(0) < 6, then then dP/dt is initially negative, P is decreasing, and dP/dt remains negative as P approaches 0 as a limit. If P(0) > 6, dP/dt is initially positive, P is increasing, and dP/dt remains positive as P increases without bound. If P(0) = 6, dP/dt = 0 and the population remains 6 as t increases. Threshold population is the minimum initial population above which the population will grow as t increases. In this case the threshold population is 6, and the population will grow as long as P(0) > 6.
11:44:25 Query 11.8.6 (was page 570 #10) robins, worms, w=2, r=2 init
11:56:51 what are your estimates of the maximum and minimum robin populations, and what are the corresponding worm populations?
RESPONSE --> Using the slope field to create the closed curve, the maximum robin population is approximately 2,500 with a corresponding worm population of approximately 1,000,000. The minimum robin population is approximately 400 with a corresponding worm population also approximately 1,000,000. Since dr/dt = -r +wr, with w(0)=2 and r(0) = 2, dr/dt = -2 + (2)(2) = +2. Therefore, r is intially increasing and the population point is moving counterclockwise around the closed curve.
11:57:08 Explain, if you have not our a done so, how used to given slope field to obtain your estimates.
RESPONSE --> See previous response.
11:58:18 Query Add comments on any surprises or insights you experienced as a result of this assignment.